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Member since ‎12-29-2017

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  • 56 Posts
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  • 92 Helpful votes Received
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Hello!We have a programmer buildning a touch interface for a control system ( Normaly we try to use touch 10 panels - but this control room needs too much custom interaction for touch 10 to be functional).Any how. One thing we require is OBTP functio...
Every now and then systems renew their IP adress ( DHCP, and .1X). When the touch 10 is not directley connected to endpoint but through the network the connections drops. We then have to ask our users to enter the new IP adress. Is there any way one ...
Hello! is it possible to use the matrix functions with the remote presentation stream. I can use the remote main video stream in Matrix composition but not the presentation stream. Is this true and if so why? Reason: I have a use case for a codec plu...
We got our first room kit mini (RKM) and its setup in a room we previously had a SX10 in. The main video flickers. Typicaly one would suspect that its a problem with the florecent light in the room. I have tried seting the "Powerline" setting to the ...
Hi! A problem i have seen a couple of times is that when you have a SX10 and a withboard in the room multiple commands are enterd. So if the user presses the button "1"  on the screen "11" or "111" is enterd as the input. If I try to erase,  the same...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎12-29-2017 02:41 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-11-2023 08:05 AM
Posts 56
Total Helpful Votes Received 92