Y. 'FoAmY' Vandenbossche
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Member since ‎02-13-2018

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 Hey guys,I'm looking at replacing the terrible DSL (1.5Mb/s) with 4G at my parent's place in rural France, I've got my old 1941 ISR with a 4G-LTE ehwic... I've tested the setup here in Belgium with the SIM from my cell and my config works just fine,...
Hi all,I'm beginning to rip my own hair out now, I've been trying for a week to figure out where I've gone wrong!I had multiple C1921s running dmvpn and have recently upgraded the hub router to a C3945, copied over and adjusted the config where neces...
Hi all,I've been playing around with DMVPN in my lab recently, and I've just started tinkering with ASAs and was wondering if this was possible.I currently have 2 2901's with the following configs; hostname Hub ! crypto isakmp policy 10 encr aes 192...
Hi Guys, So I'm working on a proof concept in PT and learning a lot on the way! I just have a question regarding site-site VPNs, Is it at all possible to have a router at the HQ configured with multiple tunnels to various branches? (see image)  I kno...
Okay, I've been going F*****G crazy trying to figure this out... What am I missing?! I'm attempting to get a site-site VPN setup in PT as a test before rolling out in prod, no matter what I do I can't seem to get it working... The branch router is co...
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Member Since ‎02-13-2018 10:31 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-26-2021 11:29 AM
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