I have a Cisco 2821 ISR which I use to run a few Cisco 7975 phones at home.
Running the 2821 is costing too much, so I was thinking of virtualising the router to reduce costs. Is this even possible?
Many thanks
Hi All
I recently bought a second-hand AP2802I-E-K9 access point. The AP was delivered with Mobility Express firmware (which is fine) but I need to update it.
What Smartnet licence should I buy in order to download the latest ME firmware for this...
Hi All
I've just changed the firmware on my 2802I access point to mobility express, and all appears to be working well.One thing I'm not sure about is whether the AP is running its own DHCP server and handing out its own IP addresses or whether its...
Hi Balaji
Many thanks for the reply.
The electricity costs are what are forcing me to look at virtualising.
A small PC running the virtual ISR will be a lot cheaper than the 2821.
I'm just using SIP on the 2821 - no FXS or FXO.
I was thinki...
Hi Francesco
Many thanks for the reply.
Is ISRv free for home use? This is for 4/5 phones max so I don't want to be paying too much if I can help it.
Not sure about the features, a friend set it up. I think it's running Advanced Enterprise Servic...