Level 2
Level 2
Member since ‎08-27-2007

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hello,I have a polycom ip 7000 that i was asked to register with CUCMhave you guys tried to register a polycom ip 7000 (from Polycom) with CUCM 6.1.(4)i was reading the user guide and it seems to be a sip phone but i can't get it to work either wayha...
Hello I have installed CME 7.1 and I was wondering if the Mobile Access feature is included here if so how do you configure it ?I also have SNR enabled when i try to transfer a call from my ip phone to my remote destination, when i press the mobility...
I have a question, i'm in the middle of programming a scripting and just realized that i need to create a nested if step.Do you know what's the maximum if's that can be nested? I need to nest 25 ifs on my script or if you could recommend a better wa...
Hello I have CER 2.0.4 (cluster of 2), cucm server version 6.1.4 (cluster of 4)i'm trying to add a new site, i can see the switch ports however i don't see the phonesi check that tsnmp is correct on CER and CCM, and the service activated, i did a pho...
Hello allI'm on CUCM 6.1 and i was wondering if you know how to configure the cluster to send the syslogs to management station ?I can check the syslogs on RTMT but I haven't found the way to point them to an external serverany help is greatly apprec...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-27-2007 10:24 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 326
Total Helpful Votes Received 30
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