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Member since ‎11-25-2015

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After upgrading my SG200-26 switch to, I can no longer access it from Chrome (version 77.0.3865.120). I have cleared the cache, history, etc from my browser. I have rebooted both the switch and the computer I am trying to access it from. Th...
On my SG200-26 switch (firmware version, I have changed the default VLAN from 1 to 20. I have removed every trace I can find of VLAN 1 in the switch's configuration, yet when I try to delete VLAN 1, I get this error: "VLAN 1: VLAN can not be...
I would like to configure my SG200-26 (firmware version switch so that ports 1 and 2 will accept only my laptop's MAC. Ports 1 and 2 are in the same VLAN. I attempted this by taking these two steps: Creating a static, permanent entry under ...
I have the following configured in the Web Interface of my SG200-26 (firmware version VLAN Management Default VLAN Settings Default VLAN ID After Reboot: 1 (unchanged) VLAN Settings VLAN ID: 1 Originators: Default VLAN Interface State: En...
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Member Since ‎11-25-2015 11:11 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-04-2019 03:07 PM
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