Log in to your CUCM. Go to the Call Routing drop down menu. Click on Translation Pattern. Add new. In the Pattern Definition box you can put the number that you want to block in the "translation pattern" field. I usually hit the "Block this pattern" ...
Hi manso_yarjah, I think you'll have to be a bit more specific in what you're asking. Here's the main page that will have links/answers to almost anything that you want to know about it:https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/solutions/industries/energy/extern...
Hello gowdakssujan, EIGRP actually uses a protocol called RTP (Reliable Transport Protocol), not to be confused with the VoIP related RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol). Here's a really good write up of it in much more depth than I could explain here...
Hi Mostafa, There won't be just one best solution. Every environment is different and has different requirements. I would recommend you read through the link that I posted above and also do a bit more research on things like VACL's. It's your respons...
Hi Mostafa, As the thread Seb provided talks about- there are a couple of different options. VACL's would definitely work but to your question about PVLAN's, they're really not that complicated once you understand how they work. Here's a good guide a...