Hi Tony,The IDs for resources like phone books are autogenerated sequences. There is currently no way to clear/reuse an ID once generated and assigned, even after the respective object is deleted.Regards,Renjith
Hi @prcjhk ,
You should explicitly subscribe(and unsubscribe when done with) to the 'Dialogs' nodes(topics) for each agent to get notifications for dialog events. The 'Dialogs' node for any user is '/finesse/api/User/<user-id>/Dialogs'.
Please be awa...
Hi @Keith Abbott
Glad to hear that it helped.
You must be using an older release of Finesse. The more recent versions have the ID as part of the URL as well as within a separate tag.
Renjith Alexander
Hi @Keith Abbott ,
The unique reason code IDs are system generated and not exposed to the users directly. What you have passed might be the numeric reason code that you created.
For retrieving the reason code IDs belonging to the reason codes associa...
Sorry, I missed mentioning that you should explicitly be subscribing to the topic "/finesse/api/Team/<teamid>/Users" to get notifications for agent state changes in that team.