Member since ‎07-15-2022

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Hi,We have developed a third-party Call Control Handler that functions similarly to finesse desktop. This application works independently and uses finesse APIs to manage calls and respond to finesse events.Currently, after a call ends, agents have to...
Hi,We have developed our own third-party Call Control Handler, which functions similarly to finesse desktop. This application operates independently and utilizes finesse APIs for call control, responding to finesse events.However, we have encountered...
Hello,I hope you're doing well. I am currently working on integrating Finesse SSO into my own application and have set up IDP and IDS servers accordingly. I am following the Finesse SSO documentation for client integration.When I access the SSO URL, ...
Hello,I hope you're doing well. I am currently working on integrating Finesse SSO into my own application, and I have set up IDP and IDS servers accordingly. I am following the Finesse SSO documentation for client integration .When I access the SSO U...
Hi,I am working on integrating SSO with a 3rd part client using Azure AD. I can fetch the SSO token, but the issue here is that the token needs browser/tab access and when the link is opened in a new tab, the token is displayed on the screen before i...
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Member Since ‎07-15-2022 05:56 AM
Date Last Visited ‎07-19-2023 12:05 AM
Posts 64
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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Community Spotlight Award
English Community, Developer of the Month, September 2022