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Member since ‎06-20-2018

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I would like to make a SIP call troubleshooting.I did pcap for the issue SIP call and I discovered that below: Destination: SIP/SDPLength: 586Info: Request: INVITE sip:2@; user=phone I couldn't identify the sip:2@10.44...
I am just deploying a BE4000 (ISR4321). 1. We make the https://be4000.cisco.com/deploy settings on Cloud > users > phones > extensions > T1 > ISP send digits .., bar bar bar 2. Generate the code on Cisco Smart Account 3. Connect the g0/0 port to Inte...
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Member Since ‎06-20-2018 10:06 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-23-2023 11:34 PM
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