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Member since ‎07-18-2017

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  • 11 Posts
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All, I have a simple route-policy I'd like to apply to a set of peers.This would be applied to 25k prefixes in the bgp table.Given no ios-regex is being used in the route-policy, I'm looking for any expertise on potential impact/load on the system. I...
I have a very simple template to provide a dayZero configuration to a router.It works via ncs_cli as : dayZero <name> hostName <newhostname> userName <newUserName> secret <NewSecret>Using Postman, I'm POSTing to http://{{NSO_IP}}:{{NSO_HTTP_PORT}}/re...
All, I'm working through the RESTCONF API to get a device added, fetch-keys and sync-from.My device add and fetch keys API calls are workingI'm attempting to invoke a sync-from on a deployed dev-csr device but it's failingThe sync-from works via ncs_...
I recently installed NSO 5.7.1.I've created a simple template service and tested it via ncs_cli successfully on a device.I'm trying to integrate this now into a simple vRealize Orchestrator workflow using the REST API.But any attempt to access NSO vi...
All,  I'm attempting to setup an NSO demo which includes an F5 BigIP. I have no experience with the F5 but I've figured out how to properly setup VIPs, Pools, hosts, etc.  I see the NED for the F5 is "generic" and not CLI based. What does this mean i...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-18-2017 08:42 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-27-2024 12:16 AM
Posts 11
Total Helpful Votes Received 6
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