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Member since ‎08-12-2015

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Hello Cisco Community,I'm currently running the following unit with version 7.1.1 and would like to upgrade to 7.4.2 but not able to access the main router  RP/0/RP0/CPU0:ios#   only goes into VM mode.  Any help or reference material is greatly appre...
Hello Cisco Community,I upgraded about 10x A901-6CZ-F-A but got an error on one of the units. Error: Licensing infrastructure is NOT initialized.upgraded to asr901-universalk9-mz.156-2.SP9.bin units boots up fine, but then i get the error and I'm not...
Hello Cisco Experts, I have the following unit: N540-24Z8Q2C-M   unit was upgraded from  6.3.3 to  7.4.2the unit boots up for a couple of minutes and then I get the following error and it keeps rebooting in a cycle.FPD was upgraded.  Could this be a ...
Hello Cisco Community, I get the following error when I do show license status.   Is this normal? perhaps a bug or defective unit?  Thanks for your help in advance!  Device Credential Verification: FAIL Router# sh license statusLicense Type Supported...
Hello Everyone, I was not able to find any information regarding both units if they come by default with powers and fans.  Your help is appreciated.  I know this might be a silly question are the powers and fans on the nexus family come by dafult?  ...
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Member Since ‎08-12-2015 01:05 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2024 03:50 AM
Posts 45