Level 3
Level 3
Member since ‎08-25-2015

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  • 270 Posts
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  • 75 Helpful votes Received
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Dear Community, We have BE7000 Medium size with Collaboration apps running and working fine. The BE7000 server has EXSI 6.5 as factory default version when delivered and installed and with collab apps running 12.5 (CUCM, IMP). Is there any problem if...
Hello community, We have Expressway E dual NIC deployment and i have question regarding the ports H323. On the firewall port 1720 TCP already open but still it showing closed on the TAC CSA SRV and port test. On the Expressway E H323 protocol configu...
Hi,I need to enable MRA on Expressway. On the Expressway-C Traversal zone configuration, the peer address is the Expressway-E FQDN. So do i need to create a A record for Expressway-E on the internal DNS to resolve the FQDN?Also, is it required to add...
Hi, I would like to know if it is required to create additional SRV records on the Public DNS for CMS WebProxy through Expressway other than the  SRV records used for MRA? 
Hello, Is there any issue if i will upgrade the Expressway X12.5 directly to X12.6.4? 
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-25-2015 01:16 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-04-2021 09:02 AM
Posts 270
Total Helpful Votes Received 75