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Member since ‎09-06-2018

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I'm using IOX-XE 17 and when I run the command '''show vrf```One of the fields displayed "Default RD".   I know that RD stands for route distinguisher, and the values in this filed correspond to the actual RD assigned to the VRF.  What I'm not clear ...
I'm looking for a CLI command that can find the DHCP reservations but limited to a specific VRF.I know that 'show ip dhcp pool' is how to see these configured manual reservations (if they are configured).I know that 'show run | include hardware\-addr...
I would like to make a list of ideas for how to use an EEM applet on IOS/IOS-EX devices in a network for some beneficial purpose.  Although I have a few ideas of my own, I want to expand my list and try new ideas. If possible, i would also like a lin...
It is my understanding that using "crypto key generate rsa" will generate two keys for use with SSH.  One is a private key stored in NVRAM which cannot be accessed, and the other key is a public key. I believe this command should generate one general...
In an  EEM applet I want to condition actions based on whether a show command outputs a result or does not output a result.Here is what I have come up with so far:conf tevent manager applet TEST event none! creating a variable with a temporary value ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-06-2018 03:12 PM
Date Last Visited ‎11-22-2024 09:34 AM
Posts 87
Total Helpful Votes Received 17