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Member since ‎09-22-2018

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  • 6 Posts
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Hello Community,I am receiving slowness and performance issues when typing in my SSH session on my Cisco Catalyst 2960X-48TS-L Switch. I am hoping I get some assistance on running some commands and/or debugs to check the overall health of the applian...
Hi Team,I have been experiencing a DHCP lease problem where a number of users who connect to an SSID receive an invalid subnet lease (or wrong DHCP allocation), whilst other users can connect to the same SSID and receive a valid IP address assignment...
Hi Community,Is it possible to SSH/Telnet to an Access Point (AP) via the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) CLI? I have performed a '?' at the '>' EXEC prompt and cannot see any valid options. Regards,Nathan.
Hello Community,I am required to log into a number of FlexConnect Access Points (APs) to troubleshoot some DHCP issues that are occurring on a number of end user clients and unable to enable SSH and Telnet due to the following error:"Failed! AP has d...
I am interested in configuring Cisco ISE 2.4 BYOD and integrating it with my Meraki MX84, MS320 and MS225 switches and my MR42 Access Point (AP).   I would ideally like to set up a Dual SSID scenario with an isolated "Guest" network (going through th...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-22-2018 07:34 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-20-2019 07:39 PM
Posts 6
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