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Member since ‎02-05-2019

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Hi All, I know this is not a hardware related query. But we have a situation where one of our site is connected over VSAT and latency is always 550-600ms users have started reporting call quality issues, and video freeze. Is there anything we could d...
I All, We have few AP's to be connected newly to network and when a new one boots it goes through as mentioned in this thread of discovering and joining an AP in same network.
We are upgrading switches from 3.x to Denali 16.3.8. After upgrade Tacacs server commands along with key is not accepting as a command. I need to be sure to run all current config on to new code before deploying on other switches. Any help or guidanc...
Trying to understand whats significance of the Virtual IP interface in WLC. The default ip set is and we do have a public dns which points to that ip now. Does this mean redirections for login will fail because before login itself system will...
Certificate Error while logging in to WLC. How is this corrected   
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Member Since ‎02-05-2019 09:18 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-05-2021 11:38 PM
Posts 14