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Member since ‎10-03-2005

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We currently have a stand alone UCCX implementation with UCCX Premium licenses. We are looking at adding an HAoWAN node but is there a license to enable the HA feature or are we covered with the Premium license to install the other node?
I have a simple setup where the incoming main office number is translated to ext 200. Extension 200 is the Pilot number for the Hunt Group and I also have ext 200 assigned to a DN that is assigned to the main office phone along with ext 100; that way...
I have a customer with a CUCM 6.1 environment that uses Exchange UM as their VM system. They have a standard setup between the two that appears to have been setup using the implementation guide for Exchange UM. The problem is this:When someone calls ...
Hello,I am trying to setup the management vrf on the 4948 10GE so that my TACACS requests will use that vrf for out-of-band purposes. The vrf is working properly because I can ping the TACACS server using the vrf but the logins do not work. I see thi...
I have a pair of Nexus 5020's that I am attempting to get HSRP, VRRP or GLBP working on. I know that my configuration is correct but for some reason the virtual address does not respond even though I see the ARP entry in the upstream device. After do...
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Member Since ‎10-03-2005 09:26 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-15-2018 02:19 AM
Posts 60
Total Helpful Votes Received 24
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