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Level 1
Member since ‎08-13-2019

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  • 166 Posts
  • 15 Solutions
  • 190 Helpful votes Given
  • 59 Helpful votes Received
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Hello. I have the below setup for a mirrored port going to a laptop with wireshark. I have the access-list\monitor filter setup, but it's still showing all traffic and is generating a 100 MB file every minute, which is too much. What am I missing? I ...
Hello there,I have the below basic network diagram. We have two ASA firewalls, both newer 5500 models. One has Firepower Module and is used for our internet browsing for the company. The other is simply used as an AnyConnect VPN Concentrator without ...
I think I have a relatively easy one. Currently our ASA 5515 with firepower services is only allowing browsing to trusted geolocation for internet browsing through Firepower services at our corporate location. We want to change that, and only allow o...
Hello,My manager has tasked me with changing the pre-shared local and remote keys of our 20+ home office Ikev2 site-to-site VPN's. They are either an ASA 5505 (retiring) or Cisco C881 router. Both are using ikev2. I want to be able to remote into the...
Hello,My manager wants me to find an answer to this topic. We have a class C public subnet that is ours, and we have two data centers with ISR routers with full BGP neighborship to two different ISP at each data center. Those BGP routers are also nei...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-13-2019 07:42 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-15-2021 12:43 AM
Posts 166
Total Helpful Votes Received 59