Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎10-16-2019

User Statistics

  • 6 Posts
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  • 10 Helpful votes Given
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User Activity

Hi everyone, I have a few questions about NSO 1- How can I deploy the same service multiple times on the same device ? Let me show you what i mean ( i have to post imgur images because it seems like i'm not able to upload them otherwhise)This is our ...
Hi everyone, My team and I are deploying Cisco NSO (system install for a production environment) and are having some problems to understand how to (if possible) deploy a service only from GUI. We managed to create a simple service and it work...
Hi everyone,   My team and I are deploying NSO for one of our customer, during the very beginning of the installation of NSO, the software tryes to download and validate certificates from    Now, I premise that our problem may be very "noo...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-16-2019 08:42 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-08-2024 04:04 AM
Posts 6
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