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Member since ‎06-26-2007

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HI.I'm running CME on a 2851.My issue is with inbound calls not failing totally, but then requiring the extension to be dialed. This only happens for calls where the calling number is unknown.So all calls inbound work if the inbound calling number ...
Hi.First off. I'm new to voice so don't fully understand the differences between ephones and ephone-dn's.That said, MY 2851 running CME with an AIM-CUE installed does not provide a Message Waiting Indicator (MWI)via either a red light on the handset ...
Hello.Has anyone used a 1522 AP?If so has anyone tried an SFP module other then a 100BX-U and 100BX-D.Just curious.
Hi.I've a 4402 controller configured. Ready for use.I've three 1242AG LWAPP which are able to associate to the WLAN controller.My issue is, I cannot get an IP via DHCP for clients requiring 802.1x authentication.For an open SSID with no authenticati...
Hi All.I've an issue with a 1522 AP connected via Ethernet to a switch.This AP will not associate to the controller.A LAP1242AG will associate without any issues.I assume maybe its a controller software issue?The controller runs a...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎06-26-2007 12:19 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 150
Total Helpful Votes Received 34