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Member since ‎09-25-2010

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Hi all,I have a SG300-28 setting on L3 Mode, and it VLAN1  IP is top of this, have a router, it LAN VLAN 1 IP is I login on the SG300-28 Administration > Ping or Traceroute, it never pass ...
Hi all,I just bought a SG300-28, it is upgrade to the latest version firmware.And then I am change it work on L3 Mode (Yes, I need it much work on L3 Mode)Ok, but when I go to IP Configuration Page on the VLAN 1 (Please see the image)http://explorerh...
Hi all,I am new on there. And I want to learning more network thing base on Cisco. Special the Layer 3 on CCNA/CCNP.And since I am for learning, so the price much as lower as possible. So I only can find 2nd products.After I am google and read again ...
Hi all,I want to using the lower price to learning Layer 3 Router/Switch with VLANsI have a SonicWALL NSa 2400 connect to the ISP Router (It Port X3 as VLAN 1, 21, 31 etc)Since NSA 2400 Router performance very poor, it is why I am thinking Layer 3 Gi...
Hi all,I am using 1812 Router and with 32M CF Card and 4G CF Card too with 384MB RAM. I setting it work well on IOS advipservicesk 124-15.T12 by SDM and just basic Firewall etc ....But when I not change any setting and using the IOS advipservicesk9-m...
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Member Since ‎09-25-2010 08:44 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
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