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Member since ‎01-07-2007

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  • 138 Posts
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I am in need of deleting one of the context of FWSM and it happens to be admin context of that FWSM.   As we can not delete admin context, I am planning to make other context as 'admin context' first. Can this be possible by just using 'admin-context...
I've been trying to poll FWSM for SNMP data and I am having selective success. For example I am not getting CPU data but I can see memory data. From FWSM guide I confirm that it should respond to 'ciscoProcessMiB' but in MIB browser of my polling st...
I have situation where I need to do natting based on destination addresses in PIX 515. I know this is quite easy in routers but never did on PIX so I want to know is this possible? If it is then what is the command for this?
I have situation where I need to manipulate EIGRP metric BW and delay such a way that after change, composite metric remains same. For example I have BW of 512 and delay of 1000 on interface which turn out composite metric of 40870400/2306560. Now I...
I am looking for method to automate backing up FWSM configuration. Our FWSMs have more than four contexts and I am looking for backing up all of them. Although I have read old posts on this in netpro but couldn't come on some concrete conclusion and ...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-07-2007 06:51 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:53 AM
Posts 138
Total Helpful Votes Received 145
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