We switched internet provider to get a 120mbits/20mbits internet connection. The UC540 is not able to handle more than 30mbits of data on the WAN port. So I was told to add RV220W in front of the UC540. I have disable the WAN port on te 540. I am able to make outgoing calls but no incoming calls are comming in (getting a message that this number is not assigned). In the RV220W I have added the SIP-TCP and SIP-UDP port forwarding to the UC540.
RV220W has the data dhcp server (
UC540 has the Voice dhcp server ( and has an IP of data lan (
There is a static route in the RV220W from to
In the RV220W I tried adding port forwarding for SIP-(TCP and UDP) to (does not work) and (does not work)...
Also mught be a VLAN problem but I'm not that great with VLAN...
In the RV220W Wan port I have my internet
RV220W Lan Port1 goes to my DataSwitch
RV220W Lan Port2 goes to UC540 expension port