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Digital premicell

Luis Croquer
Level 1
Level 1

I have a problem with incoming call to a digital premicell, outgoing calls have no problem.

When I call to the number of the SIM at the premicell the call is ended

I get some debugs from incoming call and one for an outgoing call

The number of the SIM at the premicell is 672141387 and the number from I was calling is 6793290270

I think the problem is beacuse the premicell sent this info (isdn_info=2265546396l) to the BRI interface, but I'm not pretty sure of that.

These are the debugs of the calls.

UC540#debug isdn error

001081: ISDN BR0/1/0 SERROR: L2_Go: at bailout DLCB is NULL

        L2: sapi 0 tei 127 ces 0 ev 0x3

001082: ISDN BR0/1/0 Error: Invalid DSL (0)  SERROR: isdn_get_name_from_gtd: false ret

UC540#debug isdn events

001083: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENT: process_rxstate: ces/callid 1/0xE calltype 2 HOST_INCOMING_CALL

001084: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENT: host_incoming_call: call_id 0x000E, Guid = 9F1212FE800C bchan 0

001085: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENT: process_rxstate: ces/callid 1/0xE calltype 2 HOST_DISCONNECT_ACK


UC540#debug isdn events detail interface BRI0/1/0

001118: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: isdn_get_guid: Got Guid 57D2DBBD800E

001119: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_incoming_call: call_id=0x10

001120: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_setup_received: isdn_info=2265546396l, call_id=0x10 ANSWER

001121: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_setup_received: calltracker disabled

001122: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_incoming_call: (non-POTS) VOICE call

001123: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_setup_received: isdn_info=2265556696l, call_id=0x10 ANSWER

001124: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_incoming_call: (1) call_type is VOICE

001125: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_incoming_call: voice_answer_data = FALSE call type is VOICE ALAW

001126: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_incoming_call: Received a VOICE call from 2005 on B1 at 64 Kb/s

001127: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_incoming_call: Accepting call call id 0x10

001128: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_incoming_call: Found CDAPI application for calltype VOICE

001129: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_bri_simple: msg 7, call id 0x10, bchan 0, call type VOICE

001130: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_disconnect: call id 0x10, call type is VOICE, b_idb 0x870992E4, ces 1, cause Invalid number format (incomplete number)(0x1C)

001131: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_disconnected: isdn_info=0x8709A6D8, call_id=0x10

001132: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_disconnect: Raw Release Message

001133:         0502010010040802FF9C0802809C

001134: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_rxstate: cause=0x10 (16), cause_present=1

001135: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_info=0x87097E9C, call_id=0x10

001136: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_info=0x8709A6D8, call_id=0x10

001137: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_info=0x8709A6D8, call_id=0x10

001138: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_info=0x87097E9C, call_id=0x10

001139: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_disconnect_ack: call type is VOICE


UC540#debug isdn events detail interface bri0/1/0

debug isdn event detail is      ON.

001204: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: isdn_get_guid: Got Guid 9E9771D4836BReceived pdata len 0x3F data:1C 39 9E 1 0 3 67 74 64 0 0 0 2E 49 41 4D 2C D A 47 43 49 2C 39 65 39 37 37 31 64 34 35 30 35 61 31 31 65 33 38 33 36 62 62 31 66 63 62 39 64 35 31 35 37 30 D A D A 1E 2 81 83

001205: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_bri_call: No name in GTD

001206: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_bri_call: Name Modified by Calldecode

Name Type 0x0, cs 0x0, ie_val 0x28, pi 0x0, avail 0x0

        fachd len 0x0 data:

        inpdu len 0x0 data:

        name len 0xC data:4C 75 69 73 20 43 72 6F 71 75 65 72

001207: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_setup_received: isdn_info=2265546396l, call_id=0x8034 ORIGINATE

001208: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_setup_received: calltracker disabled

001209: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: isdn_get_name

001210: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: isdn_init_name_iecs: Clng Name SS Down

001211: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: isdn_get_name:

Name Type 0x3, cs 0x0, ie_val 0x28, pi 0x0, avail 0x0

        fachd len 0x0 data:

        inpdu len 0x0 data:

        name len 0x0 data:

001212: Nov 19 14:06:38.997: %ISDN-6-CONNECT: Interface BRI0/1/0:1 is now connected to 656970379 N/A

001213: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_connect: isdn_info=0x8709A6D8, call_id=0x8034

001214: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_connect: hndl=0l, cntrl_slot=0, cntrl_port=1, cntrl_channel=1.

001215: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_connect: Connected to 656970379 on B1 at 64 Kb/s

001216: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_rxstate: cause=0x10 (16), cause_present=1

001217: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_info=0x87097E9C, call_id=0x8034

001218: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_info=0x8709A6D8, call_id=0x8034

001219: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: hndl=0, cause=16, Normal call clearing

001220: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_info=0x8709A6D8, call_id=0x8034

001221: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_disconnect: call to <unknown> terminated

001222: Nov 19 14:06:40.337: %ISDN-6-DISCONNECT: Interface BRI0/1/0:1  disconnected from 656970379 , call lasted 1 seconds

001223: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_release_req: Raw Release Message

001224:         1E0201803400

001225: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_rxstate: cause=0x10 (16), cause_present=1

001226: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_info=0x87097E9C, call_id=0x8034

001227: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_info=0x8709A6D8, call_id=0x8034

001228: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_info=0x8709A6D8, call_id=0x8034

001229: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_info=0x87097E9C, call_id=0x8034

001230: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_disconnect_ack: call type is VOICE

UC540#debug isdn standard interface b0/1/0

001141: ISDN BR0/1/0 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8  callref = 0x01

        Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3

                Standard = CCITT

                Transfer Capability = Speech

                Transfer Mode = Circuit

                Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s

        Channel ID i = 0x89

                Exclusive, B1

        Calling Party Number i = 0x0180, '2005'

                Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown

        Sending Complete

001142: ISDN BR0/1/0 SERROR: L2_Go: at bailout DLCB is NULL

        L2: sapi 0 tei 127 ces 0 ev 0x3

001143: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENT: process_rxstate: ces/callid 1/0x12 calltype 2 HOST_INCOMING_CALL

001144: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: isdn_get_guid: Got Guid DF95094F8010

001145: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENT: host_incoming_call: call_id 0x0012, Guid = DF95094F8010 bchan 0

001146: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_incoming_call: call_id=0x12

001147: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_setup_received: isdn_info=2265546396l, call_id=0x12 ANSWER

001148: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_setup_received: calltracker disabled

001149: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_incoming_call: (non-POTS) VOICE call

001150: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_setup_received: isdn_info=2265556696l, call_id=0x12 ANSWER

001151: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_incoming_call: (1) call_type is VOICE

001152: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_incoming_call: voice_answer_data = FALSE call type is VOICE ALAW

001153: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_incoming_call: Received a VOICE call from 2005 on B1 at 64 Kb/s

001154: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_incoming_call: Accepting call call id 0x12

001155: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_incoming_call: Found CDAPI application for calltype VOICE

001156: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_bri_simple: msg 7, call id 0x12, bchan 0, call type VOICE

001157: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_disconnect: call id 0x12, call type is VOICE, b_idb 0x870992E4, ces 1, cause Invalid number format (incomplete number)(0x1C)

001158: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_disconnected: isdn_info=0x8709A6D8, call_id=0x12

001159: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_disconnect: Raw Release Message

001160:         0502010012040802FF9C0802809C

001161: ISDN BR0/1/0 CDAPI: cdapi_mib_update msg CALL_DISC, remote number 2005, connected? No

001162: ISDN BR0/1/0 Q931: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8  callref = 0x81

        Channel ID i = 0x89

                Exclusive, B1

001163: ISDN BR0/1/0 Q931: TX -> DISCONNECT pd = 8  callref = 0x81

        Cause i = 0x809C - Invalid number format (incomplete number)

001164: ISDN BR0/1/0 Q931: RX <- RELEASE pd = 8  callref = 0x01

        Cause i = 0x8290 - Normal call clearing

001165: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENT: process_rxstate: ces/callid 1/0x12 calltype 2 HOST_DISCONNECT_ACK

001166: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_rxstate: cause=0x10 (16), cause_present=1

001167: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_info=0x87097E9C, call_id=0x12

001168: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_info=0x8709A6D8, call_id=0x12

001169: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_info=0x8709A6D8, call_id=0x12

001170: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: calltrkr_call_cleared: isdn_info=0x87097E9C, call_id=0x12

001171: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: host_disconnect_ack: call type is VOICE

001172: ISDN BR0/1/0 CDAPI: cdapi_mib_update msg CALL_DISC, remote number , connected? No

001173: ISDN BR0/1/0 Q931: TX -> RELEASE_COMP pd = 8  callref = 0x81

UC540#debug isdn tgrm interface bri0/1/0

001174: ISDN BR0/1/0 TGRM: get_tgrm_avail_state: idb 0x87096AA8 bchan 1 service_state 0 call_state 2 false busy 0x0 dsl 2

001175: ISDN BR0/1/0 TGRM: update_tgrm_call_status: idb 0x87096AA8 bchan 1 availability state 1 call state(prev,new) (0,2), dsl 2

001176: ISDN BR0/1/0 TGRM: update_tgrm_call_status: Calling TGRM with tgrm_call_isdn_update: idb 0x87096AA8 bchan 1 call state 1 call type 2 call dir 1

001177: ISDN BR0/1/0 TGRM: get_tgrm_avail_state: idb 0x87096AA8 bchan 1 service_state 0 call_state 2 false busy 0x0 dsl 2

001178: ISDN BR0/1/0 TGRM: update_tgrm_call_status: idb 0x87096AA8 bchan 1 availability state 1 call state(prev,new) (2,2), dsl 2

001179: ISDN BR0/1/0 TGRM: update_tgrm_call_status: Calling TGRM with tgrm_call_isdn_update: idb 0x87096AA8 bchan 1 call state 1 call type 2 call dir 1

001180: ISDN BR0/1/0 TGRM: get_tgrm_avail_state: idb 0x87096AA8 bchan 1 service_state 0 call_state 2 false busy 0x0 dsl 2

001181: ISDN BR0/1/0 TGRM: update_tgrm_call_status: idb 0x87096AA8 bchan 1 availability state 1 call state(prev,new) (2,2), dsl 2

001182: ISDN BR0/1/0 TGRM: update_tgrm_call_status: Calling TGRM with tgrm_call_isdn_update: idb 0x87096AA8 bchan 1 call state 1 call type 2 call dir 1

001183: ISDN BR0/1/0 TGRM: get_tgrm_avail_state: idb 0x87096AA8 bchan 1 service_state 0 call_state 0 false busy 0x0 dsl 2

001184: ISDN BR0/1/0 TGRM: update_tgrm_call_status: idb 0x87096AA8 bchan 1 availability state 1 call state(prev,new) (2,0), dsl 2

001185: ISDN BR0/1/0 TGRM: update_tgrm_call_status: Calling TGRM with tgrm_call_isdn_update: idb 0x87096AA8 bchan 1 call state 0 call type 0 call dir 1

3 Replies 3

Level 4
Level 4


This is the number we see coming in: 2265556696l

This is the error we generate:

001130: ISDN BR0/1/0 EVENTd: process_disconnect: call id 0x10, call type is VOICE, b_idb 0x870992E4, ces 1, cause Invalid number format (incomplete number)(0x1C)

It doens't appear the number is in the correct format. It looks like there is an "L" at the end. Do you know why we see the letter as part of the number?



Hello John!

I have no idea, this device used to be used by other telephone company and was unlocked, maybe the "L" is becasuse of that, what you think?

By the way, that number doesn't match with the number of the SIM or the incoming call number.


All I can tell you is that we don't like that "number". Regardless of the number being sent to us, it has to be a valid number.

