03-11-2011 03:47 AM - edited 03-21-2019 03:47 AM
Hello community,
i´ve set up a trunk between two UC500 with H.323.
Everything works fine, extensions are translated with correct node-numbers and so on,
calls are possible and missed calls can be answered correctly.
But if anyone calls over the trunk an extension which is forwarded (no matter: all, busy or noan to VoiceMail or to an other extension)
it doesn´t work; the A-side is disconnected immediately or after the noan-timer.
But if I call an free extension on side B and this extension makes a call transfer to an forwarded extension,
then it will work and I get the VoiceMail-Announcement on the side A.
The only hint with deb voice ccapi error
000147: Mar 11 11:48:45.235: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/cc_validate_mlpp_info:
Unsupported MLPP Service Domain Network 0
From internal extensions or PSTN does it work with call forwarding.
NODE 301
dial-peer voice 71 voip
description : SIP TOKYO
translation-profile incoming ankommend_von_TOKYO
translation-profile outgoing abgehend_nach_TOKYO
destination-pattern 501..
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number 301..
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
codec g711ulaw
supplementary-service h450.12
no supplementary-service h225-notify cid-update
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
NODE 501
dial-peer voice 90 voip
description : SIP MOSKAU
translation-profile incoming ankommend_von_MOSKAU
translation-profile outgoing abgehend_nach_MOSKAU
destination-pattern 301..
session target ipv4:
incoming called-number 501..
codec g711ulaw
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
supplementary-service h450.12
no supplementary-service h225-notify cid-update
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
also implemented on both systems:
voice service voip
ip address trusted list
ipv4 / ipv4
allow-connections h323 to h323
allow-connections h323 to sip
allow-connections sip to h323
allow-connections sip to sip
supplementary-service h450.12
supplementary-service ringback h225-info
Kind regards,
03-17-2011 05:07 AM
MLPP would not cause the call to fail.
I don't really have any other ideas without looking at show run for both sites, and debug voip ccapi inout for both sites on one call.
Adam Compton
03-17-2011 05:59 AM
Hi Adam,
i´ve done the debugs:
The call was generated from Node 301 extension 15 to node 501 extension 33,
the extension 15 on node 501 was forwarded to voicemail 55.
I´ve dialed 50133 on node 301.
The node 501 has a special configuration:
All IPs in one subnet, so I configured the box in CME-Style and normal function is given
and the EXPANSION-Port Fa0/1/8 is my WAN-port, WAN-Port Fa0/0 is unused.
(Guideline from the cusctomer)
The problem exits although from a call from node 501 extension 33 to node 301 extension 15.
The second UC is my lab-UC with some other pieces of configurations from other testings/implementations.
The connection between the subnets is realized by a cisco1712.
Thanks in advance,
03-17-2011 05:17 AM
I figured out what the transcoder issue is. You have to configure all of your codecs before you configure max sessions. I tried it here in the lab on a 540 and I got the same error you got.
Adam Compton
PS Also can you show me what your translation-profiles/rules look like?
03-17-2011 06:40 AM
I´ve tried the steps again and got this message, but it is still not working ...
000672: Mar 17 13:22:54.283: %SDSPFARM-6-REGISTER: mtp-1:uc500xcode IP: Socket:7 DeviceType:MTP has registered.
03-17-2011 07:50 AM
Had the same issue here and had to ADD a diversion header to all the outbound calls..
request INVITE sip-header Diversion add "Diversion:<7035551212>;privacy=off;reason=unconditional;screen=no"7035551212>
03-17-2011 07:14 AM
outgoing from node 301 seems fine.
on node 501, it matches and incoming dial-peer;
----- ccCallInfo IE subfields -----
cisco-redirectreason=-1 fwd_final_type =0
final_redirectNumber =
hunt_group_timeout =0
000462: Mar 17 13:34:40.567: //-1/60FF55C480E3/CCAPI/cc_api_call_setup_ind_common:
Interface=0x87418D7C, Call Info(
Calling Number=30115,(Calling Name=)(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown, Screening=Not Screened, Presentation=Allowed),
Called Number=50133(TON=Unknown, NPI=Unknown),
Calling Translated=FALSE, Subscriber Type Str=Unknown, FinalDestinationFlag=TRUE,
Incoming Dial-peer=90, Progress Indication=ORIGINATING SIDE IS NON ISDN(3), Calling IE Present=TRUE,
Source Trkgrp Route Label=, Target Trkgrp Route Label=, CLID Transparent=FALSE), Call Id=11
The problem is, it doesn't match an outgoing dial-peer. You are using translation-profile incoming ankommend_von_FRLHV
the rule that it should match is :
voice translation-rule 91
rule 1 /^...\(..\)/ /\1/
I don't see anything particularly wrong with it, but I don't think it is being translated, and it is definitely not matching the outgoing dial-peer voice extension 33. Normally I would see in the debugs something similar to the above with the translated number and an outgoing dial-peer listed. Even if it is going to an ephone-dn, there would still be an outgoing dial-peer.
You might want to try using a more specific translation-rule:
rule 1 /^501\(..\)$/ /\1/
03-17-2011 07:44 AM
I thaught I can use dial-peer 90 for both direction in or out,
so I gave a destination-pattern for outgoing an a incoming
dialed number to recognize incoming calls.
And for every direction a seperate translation rule, incoming or outgoing?
Why do I need to use an outgoing rule when a call comes in?
Have I got a wrong understanding about how it works?
I´m from the router world, so I think in/out is similar to access-lists :-)
03-17-2011 08:01 AM
You can use the dial-peer in or out, but the destination pattern is 301.. which will not match. This is one reason I suggested separating the incoming and outgoing dial-peers because it gives you more granularity into what is incoming and what is outgoing. Ephone-dns also have an associated dial-peer that is created in the background.
This call should match 90 incoming, but should match the dial-peer for ephone-dn with number 33 for the outgoing.
03-17-2011 08:21 AM
ok, so far so good
But if the extension is not forwardes, so I can reach it.
An outgoing dial-peer for extension 33 should exits.
What´s about the statement in the debug from Node501
000478: Mar 17 13:34:40.571: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccUpdateRedirectNumber:
type=6 Original Called Number=33, Called Number=33, Calling Number=30115, Calling DN=-1 Calling Id=11,
Redirect Number=55, Redirect Reason=15
000479: Mar 17 13:34:40.571: //-1/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CCAPI/ccUpdateRedirectingNumber:
type=6 redirecting_number=33
Is there something going wrong?
03-17-2011 08:43 AM
Can you post the debug of a working call that is not forwarded?
03-17-2011 08:52 AM
03-17-2011 09:59 AM
Can you try removing supplementary services from the dial-peers?
03-17-2011 10:21 AM
done, without any result ...
I´ve tested with deb voice dialpeer all on both sides.
It seems, that node 501 tells node 301 to call the redirected number 55,
but node 301 doesn´t make it well and found no dial-peer
I´ve added on node 301
voice translation-profile ankommend_von_DEWOB
translate called 72
translate redirect-called 73
translate redirect-target 73
voice translation-rule 73
rule 1 /^\(..\)/ /501\1/
and the corresponding part on node 501, but no effort
Today it´s enough, it´s already 6:00 pm.
Hope to get you tomorrow!!!
Until yet: Many thanks!!!!
03-17-2011 03:38 PM
Hi DetNit,
When I do a config comparison I find the following missing, they may not be relevant but something worth while looking into
This is based on the 501 Config....
You have:
stcapp ccm-group 1
Comparison Config Has:stcapp ccm-group 1
stcapp feature access-code
You do not have:
in "Voice Service Voip":
supplementary-service h450.12
You have:
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g711alaw
codec preference 2 g711ulaw
Comparison Config has:
voice class codec 1
codec preference 1 g711alaw
codec preference 2 g711ulaw
codec preference 3 g729r8
You do not have:
voice class cause-code 1
You do not have:
voice-card 0
dsp services dspfarm
You have:
sccp ccm identifier 1 version 3.1
sccp ccm group 1
associate ccm 1 priority 1
Comparison Config has:
sccp local BVI101
sccp ccm identifier 2 version 7.0
sccp ccm group 1
bind interface BVI101
associate ccm 2 priority 1
associate profile 1 register xcode01
dspfarm profile 1 transcode
codec g711ulaw
codec g711alaw
codec g729ar8
codec g729abr8
maximum sessions 2
associate application SCCP
You have:
fxo hook-flash
max-ephones 14
max-dn 56
ip source-address port 2000
auto assign 1 to 1 type bri
calling-number initiator
service phone videoCapability 1
service phone ehookenable 1
service dnis overlay
service dnis dir-lookup
service dss
timeouts interdigit 5
system message XXXXXXXXXXXX
url services
time-zone 23
keepalive 30 auxiliary 4
voicemail 55
max-conferences 8 gain -6
call-forward pattern .T
call-forward system redirecting-expanded
moh flash:/media/music-on-hold.au
multicast moh port 2000
transfer-system full-consult
transfer-pattern .T
secondary-dialtone 0
fac standard
create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Mar 11 2011 09:19:07
Comparison Config has:
sdspfarm units 1
sdspfarm transcode sessions 2
sdspfarm tag 1 xcode01
em logout 0:0 0:0 0:0
max-ephones 22
max-dn 88
ip source-address port 2000
max-redirect 20
auto assign 10 to 27
auto assign 5 to 8 type anl
calling-number initiator
service phone videoCapability 1
service dnis overlay
service dnis dir-lookup
timeouts interdigit 5
url services
url authentication
cnf-file location flash:
cnf-file perphone
time-zone 47
voicemail 698
max-conferences 8 gain -6
call-forward pattern .T
call-forward system redirecting-expanded
moh music-on-hold.au
multicast moh port 2000
transfer-system full-consult dss
transfer-pattern 9.T
transfer-pattern .T
transfer-pattern 0.T
transfer-pattern 6... blind
secondary-dialtone 0
night-service code *99
Now I have removed some sensitive data that should not be posted up on public, this will be represented as spaces in the config, also IP addresses will be totally different but this should be expected due to the differences in the systems, but the general idea should be there.
To me there are quite a few important things missing, things I would personaly never leave out on a CLI based config, and which CCA would make sure is on the system.
As I said before they may or may not be related, but to me they are as the config I compared it to is based on a SITE-2-SITE configuration, and both of them are a direct replication of each other minus the number ranges in use, to me this is the only way to do it, and it does not matter if they systems are different models, the config should be consistent across them both
I ran your config up on 2 UC-520 systems (Had to loan them as I don't have them myself) and found major issues with your 301 and 501 configuration, heaps of config changes had to be made to try and get it to work, so I am surprised yours is even working at all
My Advise is to blow the config away, use CCA 3 and redo the whole thing again, estimated time would be 3-4 hours per system but in my opinion a truck load quicker and less time resource intensive then diagnosing and debugging the current configuration.
Just my couple of cents worth, and I couldnt spend anymore time on it otherwise I would have just gone the next step further and re-written the whole thing for you
03-18-2011 02:13 AM
Hi David,
lot of thanks for your work!
The posted configs are edited several times by testing different issues, so they are really ugly.
One question for the understanding :
If extension 15 on node 301 calls extension 33 on node 501
and this extension is forwarded to 55 (the CUE on node 501)
does node 501 inform node 301 about this?
And starts node 301 then a new call to extension 55 on node 501?
In this case, node 301 should dial 50155 to reach the CUE on the
other side, but how does the CUE on node 501 know to which
mailbox this call from 30115 is adressed?
The debugs looks like this behaviour and I was really confused.
I thought, node 501 will handle this forwarding on his own.
I will try to clean both nodes and set them up straight but I try to do this without CCA,
because at the original customer side, the UC is connected to two CME.
Unfortunately I do not have any CME (I´m only the guy for the low-budget-segment).
Node 501 is configured only with one subnet for UC, CUE and Phones
because the customer want to reach everything from remote without
NAT/PAT and he has no chance to change the routes in the MPLS by himself.
So I´ve got only a /27 to set the whole box up; it took me several hours, but it works.
Node 301 is an old system, just for the lab and it is used for every testings,
so there are many confusing config-parts.
Kind regards,
I followed your hint and have deleted the configs of the nodes from the forum.
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