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SPA phones deregistering seemingly randomly

Level 1
Level 1

We have a separate network set aside for our IP phones.  The only thing beside the phones is a server to log into the phones through http.

There are potentially 60 (48 plugged in right now) phones, each of which registers via SIP to a remote server.  Most of the phones are SPA 508G but some are SPA 525G.

We have a SG500-52P-K9-NA switch, connected to a RV180-K9-NA router.  We are on a cable modem connection with 35 mbps DL speed and 5 mbps UL speed.

Right now, as we connect new phones, some of the old phones deregister.  When we then take these phones and plug them into a different network, by themselves, they re-register.  We plug them back into our network, and then a different phone deregisters.

I ran wireshark and got some 401 Unauthorized responses on SIP.   But since the phones are re-registering when plugged into a solitary network, clearly the authentication parameters are correct.

Could it be bandwidth?  Perhaps a firewall issue?  There seems to be no clear pattern as to which phones will deregister.

EDIT:  I have added the packet captures from wireshark.

2 Replies 2

paolo bevilacqua
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Wrong forum, post in "small business voice - SPA phones". You can move your post using the actions panel on the right.

OK, done.