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SPA303 Configuration Utility issue

Level 1
Level 1

 My issue is that after setting a new password in my SPA303 from the deskset, I can no longer log into the Configuration utility.  It now asks for a user name/password and will not accept anything I put into it, so I am totally lost. 

How this started:  I could not retrieve my v/m messages because I forgot my password.  I viewed the CU looking for a password stored in any field.  The only one I found was to my SIP provider, but this was no help.  I then decided to change my password from the deskset, which allowed me to retrieve my v/ms, but found that when I tried to open the CU from my LAN, it now presents a login popup, which it has never done for years.  Nothing I enter is accepted, so I get a Not Authorized 404 error. The info I see is: "Windows Security    The server 192,xxx,x,xx is asking for your user name and password.  The server reports that it is from spa user.  User name __ Password__".  How do I restore my ability to log in?  Note:  I tried the default "admin/admin" to no avail.  I also input my SIP provider's account login... no help.  Any suggestions?

14 Replies 14

Dan Lukes
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

What you mean saying "Configuration utility" ? For now I will assume you mean phone's embedded WWW UI.

At the first, VoiceMail is not feature provided by SPA303 but by PBX the SPA303 is connected to. Stop searching WWW UI fields - VM password is not there. No password change on phone will restore access to VoiceMail. Ask your SIP provider for help.

At the second, it seems you changed WWW UI password to something you don't know. Reset phone to factory default. Note it will be necessary to configure it from scratch then.

My SPA303 has a Configuration Utility I assume is in firmware that is accessed by connecting to the LAN URL via my Gateway modem/router.  I may be wrong, I am not an IT expert.

One of the features of the CU is to set the softkey on the voicemail icon to auto dial the SIP provider's v/m box.  I have had no problem accessing the Utility until I changed the password via the SPA303.  This is not a feature of a PBX, but of the Cisco phone.  There is apparently a security feature of the CU such that changing the password results in a login requirement not necessary on original configuration.  The problem seems to be accessing the SPA303 server.  I don't know where this resides.  Is it a service of Windows 7, or the Gateway (router), or Cisco?  Cisco's instructions are not intuitive for a non-IT user, which most of us Small Business users are.  Since the v/m response was "password invalid", I followed the instructions to change the password.  This worked, and allowed me access to my v/m.  The downside is that I can no longer access the Cisco Configuration Utility.  I saw a password input field in the CU at one time, but I couldn't find it when searching before I used the 303 to change it.

And what do you mean by the term WWW UI?  And also, no way am I going to reset to default... I will lose even more use of my system because I will not be able to re-program it.

Unless you know correct login credentials I know no other solution but reset to factory default to restore the access.

no way am I going to reset to default... I will lose even more use of my system because I will not be able to re-program it.

The phone has been configured - it mean either you or someone has configured it in the past. Same person should be called to configure it again the same way.


I was the one who (re-)configured the phone when I changed it from the previous Voip provider.  I simply logged on to the LAN URL and had access.  I never was presented a log-in to the SPA server until now.  I assumed that changing the v/m password triggered the need to log into the SPA server, but maybe just a coincidence.  I can see on my account at my Voip provider's website that my new v/m password is stored correctly, verifying that update validity.  However, I just got a reply from my current Voip provider saying they do not support phone configuration.  Now I am really in a bind:  who or where is the server my SPA program is located?  How do I find out?

who or where is the server my SPA program is located

My English is far from perfect, but I understand others questions most of time. But here I have no idea what you are asking for.

What sever ? What program ? So sorry, but I don't understand ...

Assuming you did reset to factory default already you should configure Proxy in Proxy and Registration section of Ext1 tab; User ID & Password in Subscriber section of the same tab and Voice Mail Number on General section of Phone tab.

No one but VoIP service provider can provide you the values you should fill in.


Let me make it clear:  I cannot access the Configuration Utility.  If I reset the SPA303 to factory defaults I will not be able to configure it for my current SIP account and I will lose the use of my phone.  I depend on this phone for my business.

I appreciate you trying to help, Dan, but this is obviously not your area of expertise.  I will re-post this issue in hopes someone else will assist.

You claimed you can't access configuration because you know no correct password. Reset to factory default will reset password to factory default as well thus default password will allow you to login.

You should ask a local IT technician for help. He will recognize the matter of the issue, he will describe it to us using common words with well-known meaning and he will understand the advice he will receive here.

this is obviously not your area of expertise. ... hopes someone else will assist.

;-) I wish you to have truth.

Dan:  You said "Reset to factory default will reset password to factory default as well thus default password will allow you to login."  I wish you had explained this from the start.  Thank you.

I found a better solution:  I re-traced my steps and went back to the password change option on the 303 deskset and changed my password back to the default value of blank, and voila!  I was back in the CU!  The lesson here:  Do not use the Password Change option of the SPA303 unless you have access to the SPA program (which most of us do not).

Although I still have no idea what you mean "SPA Program" glad to hear you solved the issue.

But I wish there's other lesson - don't change options unless you know what you are doing.

It is possible to lock down the phone the irreversible way - you will not be allowed to change configuration, you will not be allowed to reset it, in short, you will be allowed to smash phone into trash only. So watch your steps.

Dan, I am surprised that you do not know what the "SPA Program" is.  You seem to be the only responder on the subject of SPA 303 Configuration Utility, so one assumes you are SME.  Ask someone else how to access the program stored in the file "/opt/SPA/bin" and see if they can tell you what directory it is stored.  I am only an end user, not an IT professional and use a desktop PC not connected in any way to the proxy servers that Cisco uses to support their products. (I think OPT stands for Operation Program Tool)

I have no further advice to someone who wish he can access phone's internal binaries. And no external utility will help you once locked.

Good luck.


Dan, I appreciate the warning.  Just remember, Cisco sells these  phones to Small businesses and as such, there are features on the phone that yield surprising results to an end-user like me.  Either Cisco should lock out these features, or provide instructions on how to use them.  The operator's manual is so technically complex that only an IT professional can understand them.  If a non-IT end user happens to run into an issue, then they expect a Cisco rep would help them.  Apparently Cisco has chosen to provide a Community Support forum for this purpose.

I had an issue that I accidentally stumbled upon and sought help here.  I expected to find someone who understood this product to help since I went to the product specific venue and identified the product.  If you don't know this specific product, you should remain on the sidelines and let someone who does know it step up to help out.

In the final analysis, I figured out how to extricate myself from this issue and shared it with the Community.  Your warnings are appreciated, but your attitude needs a little adjustment.

It seems you missed Administrative Guide ...

If a non-IT end user happens to run into an issue, then they expect a Cisco rep would help them.  Apparently Cisco has chosen to provide a Community Support forum for this purpose.

You missed the Community support forum is dedicated for user (and volunteers) self-support. There's no one hired to solve other's issues. Especially no Cisco rep. here to help you.

Buy support contract and call dedicated Cisco's support center if you wish to speak with Cisco guys. But local IT technician is cheaper alternative with almost no doubt. Good seller may help you for free, so try to ask them.

Just note that even Cisco's Support Center can't restore access to phone once locked with reset to factory default facility disabled and password lost. It's intentional and valuable feature of device. Read documentation for more ...

your attitude needs a little adjustment.

Heard and understood. But remember I'm only volunteer who responded your call for help here. Moreover I found solution for you. For free.  Feel free to ignore my friendly advice I provided despite didn't asked for. I just attempted to save you from future troubles that may cost you a lot of money.

But I assume it's just a sort of misunderstanding, so we can forget it.


In honor of the time you spent responding to my comments, I will again thank you.

  You should know, however, that I have read both the Administrator's and User's guide.  In addition,  I have upgraded my phone's firmware, provisioned it with my SIP provider's specs, and used the Configuration Utility for the past 5 years.  This current issue was an error that is not documented.

  Furthermore, I figured out how to resolve my issue on my own several hours before your comment clarifying the restoration of the username/password on factory reset.  You also should note that a factory reset was not required.  What your comment about the factory reset did really didn't help me.  I was trying to be nice.

  The step was not necessary, not to mention a daunting task due to the requirements of re-provisioning.  I will give you this:  Your advice motivated me to document my current configuration.  I took a screenshot of every screen presented on the CU for future reference.  At least if I have to ever do a factory reset, I will be have all the field variables handy to re-enter.  However, I think you need to consider the difficulty the customer will face if he follows your advice to do a factory reset.  There is a huge volume of data that must be provisioned precisely.

  Perhaps you missed the report I made on how I resolved my own issue.  I simply went to the Password reset feature on the phone and cleared the password stored there.  The Configuration Utility program will not open with anything other than a blank password and will prompt for a username/password if any data is stored in the password field.  THE PASSWORD MUST BE BLANK.