I have been playing around with my setup for a while now, finally have everything working the way i want to.. except... i found out today that when i am out of office i divert my call to my mobile number.
Now the call will actually ring through to my mobile, however when i answer it, it doesn't connect. It is doing this on all phones and with any number we try to divert to. Any suggestions? My AA Scripts are below, along with the dial plans i am using, i assume it is something in these.
Script 1: <aa><form id="dt" type="menu"><audio src="prompt1" bargein="T"/><noinput timeout="10" repeat="T"/><nomatch repeat="F"><audio src="prompt3" bargein="T"/></nomatch><dialplan src="dp1"/><match><default><audio src="prompt2"/><xfer name="ext" target="$input"/></default></match></form></aa>
Script 2: <aa><form id="nt" type="menu"><audio src="prompt5" bargein="T"/><noinput timeout="10" repeat="T"/><nomatch repeat="F"><audio src="prompt3" bargein="T"/></nomatch><dialplan src="dp1"/><match><default><audio src="prompt2"/><xfer name="ext" target="$input"/></default></match></form></aa>
Script 3: <aa><form id="wk" type="menu"><audio src="prompt5" bargein="T"/><noinput timeout="10" repeat="T"/><nomatch repeat="F"><audio src="prompt3" bargein="T"/></nomatch><dialplan src="dp1"/><match><default><audio src="prompt2"/><xfer name="ext" target="$input"/></default></match></form></aa>
PBX Dial Plan: (*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.)
AA Dial Plan 1: (9|xx.)
AA Dial Plan 2: (9|xxx.)
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!