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UC320W-Callers can't select a mailbox

Steve Capelo
Level 1
Level 1

We've had this issue for a while.  When customers call in and try to select a mailbox the system will not recognize the numbers being pressed on the phone.  It doesn't seem to matter what type of phone/provider the customer calls in from.

1 Reply 1

Level 3
Level 3

Hello Steve Capelo,

Well first issue is it could be a DTMF tone issue I would need to see the logs or get a packet capture of the call to confirm it.  However if they can navigate through the rest of your Auto Attendant (AA) properly then it will not be that issue.

The next issue is when they are selecting this option, I am assuming it is when the customer is navigating through your AA, is the options routing the call to where you will like the customer to be routed to?

I recommend that you attempt to call into your phone system and try to navigate your AA and see how it reacts.  Then look at how your AA is configured on the AA and see if it is doing what you expect it to be doing.  If it is not make the appropriate configuration changes and then do another test call.

However if you are unable to navigate your AA then if your UC320W is still Cisco Support Contract then please call in for support and let our UC320W help in diagnosing the issue.  That support number is 1-866-606-1866.

Hope this helps,


Michael D.