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Chamadas para celular DDD11 com novo digito 9

Thiago Batista
Level 1
Level 1

Pessoal, alguem pode me ajudar sobre como eu devo colocar as configurações no CallManager para poder efetuar as chamadas para o DDD11 com o novo digito 9?

Atualmente eu tenho as seguintes Pattern

ScreenHunter_08 Aug. 03 17.10.jpg

Alguem pode me ajudar?

Muito Obrigado


Então coloquei para enviar 13 digitos mas enfim não vai da sinal de ocupado. Olha esta usando o dial-peer voice 30 pots. Agora queria saber como sair apenas para ligações para celulares SP usarem o dial-peer 23 e 24. Outra coisa quando disca com o telefone no gancho as ligações saem se tira do gancho o ultimo numero corta.

BRHRTGW01#show dialplan number 0011984191234
Macro Exp.:


        peer type = voice, system default peer = FALSE, information type = voice
        description = `*** Chamadas DDD (GVT) ***',
        tag = 30, destination-pattern = `0[0][1-9][1-9]........',
        voice reg type = 0, corresponding tag = 0,
        allow watch = FALSE
        answer-address = `', preference=1,
        CLID Restriction = None
        CLID Network Number = `'
        CLID Second Number sent
        CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,
        rtp-ssrc mux = system
        source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
        source trunk-group-label = `',  target trunk-group-label = `',
        numbering Type = `unknown'
        group = 30, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
        Outbound state is up,
        incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 2/unlimited,
        DTMF Relay = disabled,
        URI classes:
            Destination =
huntstop = disabled,
        in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
        out bound application associated: ''
        dnis-map =
        permission :both
        incoming COR list:maximum capability
        outgoing COR list:LONGDISTANCE
        Translation profile (Incoming):
        Translation profile (Outgoing):PSTN-OUT-GVT
        incoming call blocking:
        translation-profile = `'
        disconnect-cause = `no-service'
        advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4
        mailbox selection policy: none
        id = `GVT01', preference = `1'
        type = pots, prefix = `',
        forward-digits 13
        session-target = `', voice-port = `',
        direct-inward-dial = enabled,
        digit_strip = enabled,
        register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE
        fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes
upported-language = ''
        preemption level = `routine'
            maximum = 64 KBits/sec, minimum = 64 KBits/sec
        voice class called-number:
            inbound = `', outbound = `'
        dial tone generation after remote onhook = enabled
        mobility=0, snr=, snr_noan=, snr_delay=0, snr_timeout=0
        snr calling-number local=disabled, snr ring-stop=disabled, snr answer-to
o-soon timer=0
        Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
        Connect Time = 2824099, Charged Units = 0,
        Successful Calls = 535, Failed Calls = 0, Incomplete Calls = 0
        Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
        Last Disconnect Cause is "10  ",
        Last Disconnect Text is "normal call clearing (16)",
        Last Setup Time = 1021090112.
        Last Disconnect Time = 1020873516.


   Digits: 4

Galera será que alguém consegue me ajudar ? Detalhe alguns telefones fazem ligações fora do gancho e outros apenas com o telefone no gancho e uns nem faz.. estranho quando show dialplan number 0011984191234 sai pelo dial-peer 30 e não pelo os criados. Alguém tem alguma dica ?

dial-peer voice 23 pots
trunkgroup EBT01
corlist outgoing MOBILE
description *** Chamadas para celular (GVT) ***
translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-EBT
preference 1
destination-pattern 00119[5-9].......
forward-digits all

dial-peer voice 24 pots
trunkgroup GVT01
corlist outgoing MOBILE
description *** Chamadas para celular (GVT) ***
translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-GVT
preference 1
destination-pattern 00119T
forward-digits all

Olá Alexandre

Tenta retirar a preferencia da sua Dial-Peer 23

no preference 1

Faz um teste de chamada utilizando o Pound (#) no final da discagem.

Sobre os telefones que não conseguem fazer chamadas, verifique se eles tem permição para fazer esse tipo de chamadas.

Caso consiga testar e realizar um debug voip ccapi inout e poste o resultado de uma chamada que funciona e outra que não funciona, com seus respectivos numeros de origem e destino.

Bruno Rangel
Please remember to rate helpful responses using the star bellow and identify helpful or correct answers

Bruno bom dia.  O que acontece tirei a preference mesmo assim esta com erro..  O que acontece o problema esta intermitente tem aperelhos que fazem ligações outros não e assim sucessivamente. O comando de Debug ele fica on como posso enviar os logs pra vc.. Call manager é express.. faço tudo por linha d ecomando nada por interface...

BRHRTGW01#show dialplan number 00119984194401#
Macro Exp.: 00119984194401

peer type = voice, system default peer = FALSE, information type = voice
description = `*** Chamadas para celular (GVT) ***',
tag = 23, destination-pattern = `00119[5-9].......',
voice reg type = 0, corresponding tag = 0,
allow watch = FALSE
answer-address = `', preference=1,
CLID Restriction = None
CLID Network Number = `'
CLID Second Number sent
CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,
rtp-ssrc mux = system
source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
source trunk-group-label = `', target trunk-group-label = `',
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 23, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
Outbound state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
URI classes:
     Destination =
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:MOBILE
Translation profile (Incoming):
Translation profile (Outgoing):PSTN-OUT-EBT
incoming call blocking:
translation-profile = `'
disconnect-cause = `no-service'
advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4
mailbox selection policy: none
id = `EBT01', preference = `'
id = `GVT01', preference = `'
type = pots, prefix = `',
forward-digits all
session-target = `', voice-port = `',
direct-inward-dial = disabled,
digit_strip = enabled,
register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE
fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes
supported-language = ''
preemption level = `routine'
     maximum = 64 KBits/sec, minimum = 64 KBits/sec
voice class called-number:
     inbound = `', outbound = `'
dial tone generation after remote onhook = enabled
mobility=0, snr=, snr_noan=, snr_delay=0, snr_timeout=0
snr calling-number local=disabled, snr ring-stop=disabled, snr answer-to
o-soon timer=0
Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 6, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Last Disconnect Time = 0.
Matched: 00119984194401   Digits: 6

peer type = voice, system default peer = FALSE, information type = voice
description = `*** Chamadas para celular (GVT) ***',
tag = 24, destination-pattern = `00119T',
voice reg type = 0, corresponding tag = 0,
allow watch = FALSE
answer-address = `', preference=1,
CLID Restriction = None
CLID Network Number = `'
CLID Second Number sent
CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,
rtp-ssrc mux = system
source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
source trunk-group-label = `', target trunk-group-label = `',
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 24, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
Outbound state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
URI classes:
     Destination =
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:MOBILE
Translation profile (Incoming):
Translation profile (Outgoing):PSTN-OUT-GVT
incoming call blocking:
translation-profile = `'
disconnect-cause = `no-service'
advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4
mailbox selection policy: none
id = `GVT01', preference = `'
type = pots, prefix = `',
forward-digits all
session-target = `', voice-port = `',
direct-inward-dial = disabled,
digit_strip = enabled,
register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE
fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes
supported-language = ''
preemption level = `routine'
    maximum = 64 KBits/sec, minimum = 64 KBits/sec
voice class called-number:
     inbound = `', outbound = `'
dial tone generation after remote onhook = enabled
mobility=0, snr=, snr_noan=, snr_delay=0, snr_timeout=0
snr calling-number local=disabled, snr ring-stop=disabled, snr answer-to
o-soon timer=0
Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
Connect Time = 7570, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 55, Failed Calls = 1, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "10  ",
Last Disconnect Text is "normal call clearing (16)",
Last Setup Time = 25224230.
Last Disconnect Time = 25224757.
Matched: 00119984194401   Digits: 5

peer type = voice, system default peer = FALSE, information type = voice
description = `*** Chamadas DDD (Embratel) ***',
tag = 31, destination-pattern = `0[0][1-9][1-9]........',
voice reg type = 0, corresponding tag = 0,
allow watch = FALSE
answer-address = `', preference=0,
CLID Restriction = None
CLID Network Number = `'
CLID Second Number sent
CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,
rtp-ssrc mux = system
source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
source trunk-group-label = `', target trunk-group-label = `',
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 31, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
Outbound state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
URI classes:
     Destination =
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:LONGDISTANCE
--More--                            Translation profile (Incoming):
Translation profile (Outgoing):PSTN-OUT-EBT
incoming call blocking:
translation-profile = `'
disconnect-cause = `no-service'
advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4
mailbox selection policy: none
id = `EBT01', preference = `1'
type = pots, prefix = `',
forward-digits 13
session-target = `', voice-port = `',
direct-inward-dial = enabled,
digit_strip = enabled,
register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE
fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes
supported-language = ''
preemption level = `routine'
     maximum = 64 KBits/sec, minimum = 64 KBits/sec
voice class called-number:
     inbound = `', outbound = `'
dial tone generation after remote onhook = enabled
--More--                            mobility=0, snr=, snr_noan=, snr_delay=0, snr_timeout=0
snr calling-number local=disabled, snr ring-stop=disabled, snr answer-to
o-soon timer=0
Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 58, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Last Disconnect Time = 0.
Matched: 00119984194401   Digits: 4

peer type = voice, system default peer = FALSE, information type = voice
description = `*** Chamadas DDD (GVT) ***',
tag = 30, destination-pattern = `0[0][1-9][1-9]........',
voice reg type = 0, corresponding tag = 0,
allow watch = FALSE
answer-address = `', preference=1,
CLID Restriction = None
CLID Network Number = `'
--More--                            CLID Second Number sent
CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,
rtp-ssrc mux = system
source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
source trunk-group-label = `', target trunk-group-label = `',
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 30, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
Outbound state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
URI classes:
     Destination =
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:LONGDISTANCE
Translation profile (Incoming):
Translation profile (Outgoing):PSTN-OUT-GVT
incoming call blocking:
translation-profile = `'
--More--                            disconnect-cause = `no-service'
advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4
mailbox selection policy: none
id = `GVT01', preference = `1'
type = pots, prefix = `',
forward-digits 13
session-target = `', voice-port = `',
direct-inward-dial = enabled,
digit_strip = enabled,
register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE
fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes
supported-language = ''
preemption level = `routine'
     maximum = 64 KBits/sec, minimum = 64 KBits/sec
voice class called-number:
     inbound = `', outbound = `'
dial tone generation after remote onhook = enabled
mobility=0, snr=, snr_noan=, snr_delay=0, snr_timeout=0
snr calling-number local=disabled, snr ring-stop=disabled, snr answer-to
o-soon timer=0
Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
--More--                            Connect Time = 474801, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 57, Failed Calls = 1, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "10  ",
Last Disconnect Text is "normal call clearing (16)",
Last Setup Time = 25297792.
Last Disconnect Time = 25319112.
Matched: 00119984194401   Digits: 4

BRHRTGW01#                              show dialplan number 00119984194401#
Macro Exp.: 00119984194401

peer type = voice, system default peer = FALSE, information type = voice
description = `*** Chamadas para celular (GVT) ***',
tag = 23, destination-pattern = `00119[5-9].......',
voice reg type = 0, corresponding tag = 0,
allow watch = FALSE
answer-address = `', preference=1,
CLID Restriction = None
CLID Network Number = `'
CLID Second Number sent
CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,
rtp-ssrc mux = system
source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
source trunk-group-label = `', target trunk-group-label = `',
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 23, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
Outbound state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
URI classes:
     Destination =
--More--                            huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:MOBILE
Translation profile (Incoming):
Translation profile (Outgoing):PSTN-OUT-EBT
incoming call blocking:
translation-profile = `'
disconnect-cause = `no-service'
advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4
mailbox selection policy: none
id = `EBT01', preference = `'
id = `GVT01', preference = `'
type = pots, prefix = `',
forward-digits all
session-target = `', voice-port = `',
direct-inward-dial = disabled,
digit_strip = enabled,
register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE
--More--                            fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes
supported-language = ''
preemption level = `routine'
     maximum = 64 KBits/sec, minimum = 64 KBits/sec
voice class called-number:
     inbound = `', outbound = `'
dial tone generation after remote onhook = enabled
mobility=0, snr=, snr_noan=, snr_delay=0, snr_timeout=0
snr calling-number local=disabled, snr ring-stop=disabled, snr answer-to
o-soon timer=0
Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 7, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Last Disconnect Time = 0.
Matched: 00119984194401   Digits: 6

--More--                            peer type = voice, system default peer = FALSE, information type = voice
description = `*** Chamadas para celular (GVT) ***',
tag = 24, destination-pattern = `00119T',
voice reg type = 0, corresponding tag = 0,
allow watch = FALSE
answer-address = `', preference=1,
CLID Restriction = None
CLID Network Number = `'
CLID Second Number sent
CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,
rtp-ssrc mux = system
source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
source trunk-group-label = `', target trunk-group-label = `',
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 24, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
Outbound state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
URI classes:
     Destination =
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
out bound application associated: ''
--More--                            dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:MOBILE
Translation profile (Incoming):
Translation profile (Outgoing):PSTN-OUT-GVT
incoming call blocking:
translation-profile = `'
disconnect-cause = `no-service'
advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4
mailbox selection policy: none
id = `GVT01', preference = `'
type = pots, prefix = `',
forward-digits all
session-target = `', voice-port = `',
direct-inward-dial = disabled,
digit_strip = enabled,
register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE
fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes
supported-language = ''
preemption level = `routine'
--More--                                maximum = 64 KBits/sec, minimum = 64 KBits/sec
voice class called-number:
     inbound = `', outbound = `'
dial tone generation after remote onhook = enabled
mobility=0, snr=, snr_noan=, snr_delay=0, snr_timeout=0
snr calling-number local=disabled, snr ring-stop=disabled, snr answer-to
o-soon timer=0
Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
Connect Time = 7870, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 57, Failed Calls = 1, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "10  ",
Last Disconnect Text is "normal call clearing (16)",
Last Setup Time = 25366453.
Last Disconnect Time = 25367429.
Matched: 00119984194401   Digits: 5

peer type = voice, system default peer = FALSE, information type = voice
description = `*** Chamadas DDD (Embratel) ***',
tag = 31, destination-pattern = `0[0][1-9][1-9]........',
voice reg type = 0, corresponding tag = 0,
--More--                            allow watch = FALSE
answer-address = `', preference=0,
CLID Restriction = None
CLID Network Number = `'
CLID Second Number sent
CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,
rtp-ssrc mux = system
source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
source trunk-group-label = `', target trunk-group-label = `',
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 31, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
Outbound state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
URI classes:
     Destination =
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:LONGDISTANCE
--More--                            Translation profile (Incoming):
Translation profile (Outgoing):PSTN-OUT-EBT
incoming call blocking:
translation-profile = `'
disconnect-cause = `no-service'
advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4
mailbox selection policy: none
id = `EBT01', preference = `1'
type = pots, prefix = `',
forward-digits 13
session-target = `', voice-port = `',
direct-inward-dial = enabled,
digit_strip = enabled,
register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE
fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes
supported-language = ''
preemption level = `routine'
     maximum = 64 KBits/sec, minimum = 64 KBits/sec
voice class called-number:
     inbound = `', outbound = `'
dial tone generation after remote onhook = enabled
mobility=0, snr=, snr_noan=, snr_delay=0, snr_timeout=0
snr calling-number local=disabled, snr ring-stop=disabled, snr answer-to
o-soon timer=0
Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never
Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,
Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 58, Incomplete Calls = 0
Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,
Last Disconnect Cause is "",
Last Disconnect Text is "",
Last Setup Time = 0.
Last Disconnect Time = 0.
Matched: 00119984194401   Digits: 4

peer type = voice, system default peer = FALSE, information type = voice
description = `*** Chamadas DDD (GVT) ***',
tag = 30, destination-pattern = `0[0][1-9][1-9]........',
voice reg type = 0, corresponding tag = 0,
allow watch = FALSE
answer-address = `', preference=1,
CLID Restriction = None
CLID Network Number = `'
-- CLID Second Number sent
CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,
rtp-ssrc mux = system
source carrier-id = `', target carrier-id = `',
source trunk-group-label = `', target trunk-group-label = `',
numbering Type = `unknown'
group = 30, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,
Outbound state is up,
incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,
DTMF Relay = disabled,
URI classes:
     Destination =
huntstop = disabled,
in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'
out bound application associated: ''
dnis-map =
permission :both
incoming COR list:maximum capability
outgoing COR list:LONGDISTANCE
Translation profile (Incoming):
Translation profile (Outgoing):PSTN-OUT-GVT
incoming call blocking:
translation-profile = `'
--More--                            disconnect-cause = `no-service'
advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4
mailbox selection policy: none
id = `GVT01', preference = `1'
type = pots, prefix = `',
forward-digits 13
session-target = `', voice-port = `',
direct-inward-dial = enabled,
digit_strip = enabled,
register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE
fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes
supported-language = ''
preemption level = `routine'
     maximum = 64 KBits/sec, minimum = 64 KBits/sec
voice class called-number:
     inbound = `', outbound = `'
dial tone generation after remote onhook = enabled
mobility=0, snr=, snr_noan=, snr_delay=0, snr_timeout=0
snr calling-number local=disabled, snr ring-stop=disabled, snr answer-to
o-soon timer=0
Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never

Bruno acho que deveria criar 2 dial-peer igual a esse mas apenas para celulares de SP eu acho.

dial-peer voice 30 pots
trunkgroup GVT01 1
corlist outgoing LONGDISTANCE
description *** Chamadas DDD (GVT) ***
translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-GVT
preference 1
destination-pattern 0[0][1-9][1-9]........
forward-digits 13 --> Alterado para   forward-digits all

dial-peer voice 31 pots
trunkgroup EBT01 1
corlist outgoing LONGDISTANCE
description *** Chamadas DDD (Embratel) ***
translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-EBT
destination-pattern 0[0][1-9][1-9]........ Não sei o que faz esse destination
forward-digits 13 --> Alterado para forward-digits all

Alexandre essa Dial-peer 30 e 31 são para ligações DDD irá fazer match em discagens de longa distancia.

Vc tem varias DP que estão fazendo match ao mesmo tempo. Qual operadora é a sua preferencia EBT ou GVT? e qual seria backup.

Se possivel posta sua configuração "show run" (excluir senhas e IP´s Publicos).

Posta mais uma vez como é digitado para DDD, Celular, Local etc.

Bruno Rangel
Please remember to rate helpful responses using the star bellow and identify helpful or correct answers

Bruno, quando eles fazem ligação para o telefone 011 é de longa distancia, pois fica em Hortolândia. a principal é GVT e o backup é a embratel. Segue abaixo todas as configurações do Call Manager nosso.

show runnin

BRHRTGW01#show running-config

Building configuration...

Current configuration : 46501 bytes


! Last configuration change at 10:50:18 BRA Mon Sep 24 2012

! NVRAM config last updated at 10:50:20 BRA Mon Sep 24 2012


version 15.1

service timestamps debug datetime msec

service timestamps log datetime msec localtime

service password-encryption


hostname BRHRTGW01



boot system flash:c2900-universalk9-mz.SPA.151-3.T1.bin




card type e1 0 0

enable secret 5 $1$TxB6$V2ds.0YOxkKmuwTiczio8/


aaa new-model


--More--                           !

aaa authentication login default enable

aaa accounting connection h323 start-stop group radius






aaa session-id common

clock timezone BRA -3 0

network-clock-participate wic 0

network-clock-select 1 E1 0/0/0

network-clock-select 2 E1 0/0/1


no ipv6 cef

ip source-route

ip cef




ip dhcp excluded-address

ip dhcp excluded-address


--More--                           ip dhcp pool Voice




   option 150 ip




no ip domain lookup

ip domain name

ip name-server

ip name-server

multilink bundle-name authenticated





isdn switch-type primary-net5

isdn voice-call-failure 0



trunk group GVT01

hunt-scheme sequential both up

--More--                           !


trunk group EBT01

hunt-scheme sequential both down



trunk group TEL01

hunt-scheme sequential both down


crypto pki token default removal timeout 0



voice-card 0


dsp services dspfarm




voice service voip

allow-connections h323 to h323

allow-connections h323 to sip

allow-connections sip to h323

allow-connections sip to sip

--More--                            no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily

no supplementary-service sip refer

fax protocol pass-through g711ulaw




voice class codec 10

codec preference 1 g729r8

codec preference 2 g711ulaw

video codec h264

video codec mpeg4




voice logout-profile 2

number 26902 type normal


voice logout-profile 3

number 26903 type normal


voice logout-profile 10

number 26910 type normal


--More--                           voice logout-profile 11

number 26911 type normal


voice logout-profile 14

number 26914 type normal


voice logout-profile 15

number 26915 type normal


voice logout-profile 16

number 26916 type normal


voice logout-profile 18

number 26918 type normal


voice logout-profile 19

number 26919 type normal


voice logout-profile 20

number 26920 type normal


voice logout-profile 21

number 26921 type normal

--More--                           !

voice logout-profile 22

number 26922 type normal


voice logout-profile 23

number 26923 type normal


voice logout-profile 24

number 26924 type normal


voice logout-profile 25

number 26925 type normal


voice logout-profile 26

number 26926 type normal


voice logout-profile 27

number 26927 type normal


voice logout-profile 28

number 26928 type normal


voice logout-profile 29

--More--                            number 26929 type normal


voice logout-profile 30

number 26930 type normal


voice logout-profile 31

number 26931 type normal


voice logout-profile 32

number 26932 type normal


voice logout-profile 33

number 26933 type normal


voice logout-profile 34

number 26934 type normal


voice logout-profile 35

number 26935 type normal


voice logout-profile 40

number 26940 type normal


--More--                           voice logout-profile 41

number 26941 type normal


voice logout-profile 42

number 26942 type normal


voice logout-profile 43

number 26943 type normal


voice logout-profile 44

number 26944 type normal


voice logout-profile 45

number 26945 type normal


voice logout-profile 46

number 26946 type normal


voice logout-profile 47

number 26947 type normal


voice logout-profile 51

number 26951 type normal

--More--                           !

voice logout-profile 52

number 26952 type normal


voice logout-profile 54

number 26954 type normal


voice user-profile 2

user 6902 password 1111

number 6902,6901 type normal

speed-dial 1 16901 label "Intercom Alexandre GACHINEIRO" blf


voice user-profile 3

user 6903 password 1111

number 6903,6901,6902 type normal

speed-dial 1 16901 label "Intercom Alexandre GACHINEIRO" blf

speed-dial 2 16902 label "Intercom Gisele ANDRETTO" blf


voice user-profile 10

user 6910 password 1111

number 6910 type normal


voice user-profile 11

--More--                            user 6911 password 1111

number 6911 type normal


voice user-profile 14

user 6914 password 1111

number 6914 type normal


voice user-profile 15

user 6915 password 1111

number 6915 type normal


voice user-profile 16

user 6916 password 1111

number 6916 type normal


voice user-profile 18

user 6918 password 1111

number 6918 type normal


voice user-profile 19

user 6919 password 1111

number 6919 type normal


--More--                           voice user-profile 20

user 6920 password 1111

number 6920 type normal


voice user-profile 21

user 6921 password 1111

number 6921 type normal


voice user-profile 22

user 6922 password 1111

number 6922 type normal


voice user-profile 23

user 6923 password 1111

number 6923 type normal


voice user-profile 24

user 6924 password 1111

number 6924 type normal


voice user-profile 25

user 6925 password 1111

number 6925 type normal

--More--                           !

voice user-profile 26

user 6926 password 1111

number 6926 type normal


voice user-profile 27

user 6927 password 1111

number 6927,6999 type normal


voice user-profile 28

user 6928 password 1111

number 6928 type normal


voice user-profile 29

user 6929 password 1111

number 6929 type normal


voice user-profile 30

user 6930 password 1111

number 6930 type normal


voice user-profile 31

user 6931 password 1111

--More--                            number 6931 type normal


voice user-profile 32

user 6932 password 1111

number 6932 type normal


voice user-profile 33

user 6933 password 1111

number 6933 type normal


voice user-profile 34

user 6934 password 1111

number 6934 type normal


voice user-profile 35

user 6935 password 1111

number 6935 type normal


voice user-profile 40

user 6940 password 1111

number 6940 type normal


voice user-profile 41

--More--                            user 6941 password 1111

number 6941 type normal


voice user-profile 42

user 6942 password 1111

number 6942 type normal


voice user-profile 43

user 6943 password 1111

number 6943 type normal


voice user-profile 44

user 6944 password 1111

number 6944 type normal


voice user-profile 45

user 6945 password 1111

number 6945 type normal


voice user-profile 46

user 6946 password 1111

number 6946 type normal


--More--                           voice user-profile 47

user 6947 password 1111

number 6947 type normal


voice user-profile 51

user 6951 password 1111

number 6951 type normal


voice user-profile 52

user 6952 password 1111

number 6952 type normal


voice user-profile 54

user 6954 password 1111

number 6954 type normal



voice translation-rule 1

rule 1 /^19\(.*\)/ /0\1/

rule 2 /\(.*\)/ /00\1/


voice translation-rule 10

rule 1 /\(^6...\)/ /193045\1/

--More--                           !

voice translation-rule 15

rule 1 /^000\(.*\)/ /0015\1/

rule 2 /^00\(.*\)/ /015\1/


voice translation-rule 21

rule 1 /^000\(.*\)/ /00021\1/

rule 2 /\(^00[3589]00\)\(.*\)/ /\1\2/

rule 3 /^00\(.*\)/ /021\1/


voice translation-rule 25

rule 1 /^000\(.*\)/ /00025\1/

rule 2 /\(^00[3589]00\)\(.*\)/ /\1\2/

rule 3 /^00\(.*\)/ /025\1/


voice translation-rule 211

rule 1 /\(^02..\)/ /2118\1/


voice translation-rule 1200

rule 1 /\(^6...\)/ /1930456900/



voice translation-profile PSTN-IN

--More--                            translate calling 1


voice translation-profile PSTN-OUT-EBT

translate calling 211

translate called 21


voice translation-profile PSTN-OUT-GVT

translate calling 10

translate called 25


voice translation-profile PSTN-OUT-TEL

translate calling 10

translate called 15


voice translation-profile PSTN-TOLLBYPASS

translate calling 1200





service galderma flash:GaldermaURA_HRT.tcl



--More--                           license udi pid CISCO2911/K9 sn FTX1522AJAD

license accept end user agreement

hw-module pvdm 0/0


hw-module sm 1




username admin secret 5 $1$D9Si$wFeAdqt4X56hOHSLqqZpD1





controller E1 0/0/0

framing NO-CRC4

line-termination 75-ohm

ds0-group 1 timeslots 1-15,17-31 type r2-digital r2-compelled ani

cas-custom 1

  country brazil

  release-guard-time 50

  answer-signal group-b 1

  trunk-group EBT01 timeslots 1-15,17-31 preference 1

description *** E1 Embratel - +55 19 2118-0200 ***

--More--                           !

controller E1 0/0/1

framing NO-CRC4

line-termination 75-ohm

pri-group timeslots 1-31

trunk-group GVT01 timeslots 1-31

description *** E1 GVT - +55 19 3045-6900 ***


gw-accounting syslog





interface GigabitEthernet0/0

description Data

ip address

duplex auto

speed auto


interface GigabitEthernet0/1

no ip address


duplex auto

--More--                            speed auto


interface GigabitEthernet0/2

no ip address


duplex auto

speed auto


interface Serial0/0/1:15

no ip address

encapsulation hdlc

isdn switch-type primary-net5

isdn incoming-voice voice

no cdp enable


interface SM1/0

ip unnumbered GigabitEthernet0/0

service-module ip address

!Application: CUE Running on SM

service-module ip default-gateway


interface SM1/1

description Internal switch interface connected to Service Module

--More--                            shutdown


interface Vlan1

no ip address


ip forward-protocol nd


ip http server

ip http authentication local

no ip http secure-server

ip http path flash:


ip route

ip route SM1/0





tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/CampusNight.png

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/CiscoFountain.png

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/CiscoLogo.png

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/Fountain.png

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/List.xml

--More--                           tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/MorroRock.png

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/TN-CampusNight.png

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/TN-CiscoFountain.png

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/TN-CiscoLogo.png

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/TN-Fountain.png

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/TN-MorroRock.png

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/TN-NantucketFlowers.png

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x216x16

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x216x16/List.xml

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x16

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x16/List.xml

tftp-server flash:SCCP6911.9-0-2-0.loads

tftp-server flash:APP6901SCCP.9-0-2-0.zz.sgn

tftp-server flash:KNL6901SCCP.9-0-2-0.zz.sgn

tftp-server flash:SCCP6901.9-0-2-0.loads

tftp-server flash:APP6911SCCP.9-0-2-0.zz.sgn

tftp-server flash:BFS6911SCCP.9-0-2-0.zz.sgn

tftp-server flash:KNL6911SCCP.9-0-2-0.zz.sgn

tftp-server flash:APP6901SCCP.9-1-1-0.zz.sgn

tftp-server flash:APP6911SCCP.9-1-1-0.zz.sgn

tftp-server flash:BFS6911SCCP.9-1-1-0.zz.sgn

tftp-server flash:KNL6901SCCP.9-1-1-0.zz.sgn

tftp-server flash:KNL6911SCCP.9-1-1-0.zz.sgn

--More--                           tftp-server flash:SCCP6901.9-1-1-0.loads

tftp-server flash:SCCP6911.9-1-1-0.loads

tftp-server flash:SCCP69xx.9-1-1-0.zz.sgn

tftp-server flash:BOOT69xx.0-0-0-14.zz.sgn

tftp-server flash:DSP69xx.0-0-0-4.zz.sgn

tftp-server flash:SCCP69xx.9-1-1-0.loads

tftp-server flash:CP7902080002SCCP060817A.sbin

tftp-server flash:apps11.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:cnu11.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:cvm11sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:dsp11.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:jar11sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:SCCP11.9-1-1SR1S.loads

tftp-server flash:term06.default.loads

tftp-server flash:term11.default.loads

tftp-server flash:S00105000400.sbn

tftp-server flash:B015-1-0-4.SBN

tftp-server flash:B016-1-0-4.SBN

tftp-server flash:P00308010200.bin

tftp-server flash:P00308010200.loads

tftp-server flash:P00308010200.sb2

tftp-server flash:P00308010200.sbn

tftp-server flash:apps41.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

--More--                           tftp-server flash:cnu41.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:cvm41sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:dsp41.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:jar41sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:SCCP41.9-1-1SR1S.loads

tftp-server flash:term41.default.loads

tftp-server flash:term61.default.loads

tftp-server flash:apps42.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:cnu42.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:cvm42sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:dsp42.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:jar42sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:SCCP42.9-1-1SR1S.loads

tftp-server flash:term42.default.loads

tftp-server flash:term62.default.loads

tftp-server flash:apps45.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:cnu45.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:cvm45sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:dsp45.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:jar45sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:SCCP45.9-1-1SR1S.loads

tftp-server flash:term45.default.loads

tftp-server flash:term65.default.loads

--More--                           tftp-server flash:apps70.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:cnu70.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:cvm70sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:dsp70.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:jar70sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:SCCP70.9-1-1SR1S.loads

tftp-server flash:term70.default.loads

tftp-server flash:term71.default.loads

tftp-server flash:apps75.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:cnu75.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:cvm75sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:dsp75.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:jar75sccp.9-1-1TH1-16.sbn

tftp-server flash:SCCP75.9-1-1SR1S.loads

tftp-server flash:term75.default.loads

tftp-server flash:P003-08-9-00.bin

tftp-server flash:P003-08-9-00.sbn

tftp-server flash:OS79XX.TXT

tftp-server flash:P0S3-08-9-00.loads

tftp-server flash:P0S3-08-9-00.sb2

tftp-server flash:Analog1.raw

tftp-server flash:Analog2.raw

tftp-server flash:AreYouThere.raw

--More--                           tftp-server flash:AreYouThereF.raw

tftp-server flash:Bass.raw

tftp-server flash:CallBack.raw

tftp-server flash:Chime.raw

tftp-server flash:Classic1.raw

tftp-server flash:Classic2.raw

tftp-server flash:ClockShop.raw

tftp-server flash:DistinctiveRingList.xml

tftp-server flash:Drums1.raw

tftp-server flash:Drums2.raw

tftp-server flash:FilmScore.raw

tftp-server flash:HarpSynth.raw

tftp-server flash:Jamaica.raw

tftp-server flash:KotoEffect.raw

tftp-server flash:MusicBox.raw

tftp-server flash:Piano1.raw

tftp-server flash:Piano2.raw

tftp-server flash:Pop.raw

tftp-server flash:Pulse1.raw

tftp-server flash:Ring1.raw

tftp-server flash:Ring2.raw

tftp-server flash:Ring3.raw

tftp-server flash:Ring4.raw

--More--                           tftp-server flash:Ring5.raw

tftp-server flash:Ring6.raw

tftp-server flash:Ring7.raw

tftp-server flash:RingList.xml

tftp-server flash:Sax1.raw

tftp-server flash:Sax2.raw

tftp-server flash:Vibe.raw

tftp-server flash:SCCP69xx.9-0-3-0-b.zz.sgn

tftp-server flash:SCCP69xx.9-0-3-b.loads

tftp-server flash:DSP69xx.0-0-0-3.zz.sgn

tftp-server Desktops/95x34x1/23x8_png8_mono.png

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/80x53_png24.png

tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/320x212_png24.png

tftp-server flash:Desktops/95x34x1/95x34_png8_mono.png

tftp-server flash:CME-locale-pt_BR-Portuguese-

tftp-server flash:/td-sccp.jar alias user_define_1/td-sccp.jar

tftp-server Desktops/320x196x4/80x49_png4_gray_ball.png

tftp-server Desktops/320x196x4/80x49_png4_gray_bottom.png

tftp-server Desktops/320x196x4/80x49_png4_gray_left.png

tftp-server Desktops/320x196x4/80x49_png4_gray_center.png

tftp-server Desktops/320x196x4/320x196_png4_gray_ball.png

tftp-server Desktops/320x196x4/320x196_png4_gray_bottom.png

tftp-server Desktops/320x196x4/320x196_png4_gray_center.png

--More--                           tftp-server Desktops/320x196x4/320x196_png4_gray_left.png

tftp-server Desktops/320x196x4/List.xml

tftp-server Desktops/320x216x16/80x53_png24.png

tftp-server Desktops/320x216x16/320x216_png24.png

tftp-server flash:Desktops/95x34x1/List.xml






voice-port 0/0/0:1

cptone BR

timeouts initial 5

timeouts interdigit 5


voice-port 0/0/1:15

cptone BR

timeouts initial 5

timeouts interdigit 5




mgcp profile default

--More--                           !

sccp local GigabitEthernet0/0

sccp ccm identifier 1 version 7.0

sccp ip precedence 3



sccp ccm group 1

bind interface GigabitEthernet0/0

associate ccm 1 priority 1

associate profile 1 register CFB-HRT1-01

associate profile 2 register XCD-HRT1-01

keepalive retries 5

switchback method graceful

switchback interval 180


dspfarm profile 2 transcode 

codec g711ulaw

codec g711alaw

codec g729ar8

codec g729abr8

codec g729r8

maximum sessions 20

associate application SCCP

--More--                           !

dspfarm profile 1 conference 

description hardware conference bridge

codec g711ulaw

codec g711alaw

codec g729ar8

codec g729abr8

codec g729r8

codec g729br8

maximum sessions 4

associate application SCCP


dial-peer cor custom

name Local

name Mobile

name LongDistance

name International



dial-peer cor list LOCAL

member Local


dial-peer cor list MOBILE

--More--                            member Mobile


dial-peer cor list LONGDISTANCE

member LongDistance


dial-peer cor list INTERNATIONAL

member International


dial-peer cor list LocalCalls

member Local


dial-peer cor list MobileCalls

member Local

member Mobile


dial-peer cor list LongDistanceCalls

member Local

member Mobile

member LongDistance


dial-peer cor list InternationalCalls

member Local

member Mobile

--More--                            member LongDistance

member International


dial-peer cor list BlockCalls



dial-peer voice 1 pots

description *** Incoming Dial-Peer ***

translation-profile incoming PSTN-IN

incoming called-number .



dial-peer voice 10 pots

trunkgroup GVT01

corlist outgoing LOCAL

description *** Chamadas Locais (GVT) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-GVT

preference 1

destination-pattern 0[2-5].......



dial-peer voice 11 pots

trunkgroup EBT01

--More--                            corlist outgoing LOCAL

description *** Chamadas Locais (Embratel) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-EBT

destination-pattern 0[2-5].......



dial-peer voice 20 pots

trunkgroup GVT01

corlist outgoing MOBILE

description *** Chamadas para celular (GVT) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-GVT

preference 1

destination-pattern 0[6-9].......



dial-peer voice 21 pots

trunkgroup EBT01

corlist outgoing MOBILE

description *** Chamadas para celular (Embratel) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-EBT

destination-pattern 0[6-9].......



--More--                           dial-peer voice 30 pots

trunkgroup GVT01 1

corlist outgoing LONGDISTANCE

description *** Chamadas DDD (GVT) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-GVT

preference 1

destination-pattern 0[0][1-9][1-9]........


forward-digits 13


dial-peer voice 31 pots

trunkgroup EBT01 1

corlist outgoing LONGDISTANCE

description *** Chamadas DDD (Embratel) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-EBT

destination-pattern 0[0][1-9][1-9]........


forward-digits 13


dial-peer voice 40 pots

trunkgroup GVT01 1

corlist outgoing INTERNATIONAL

description *** Chamadas DDI (GVT) ***

--More--                            translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-GVT

preference 1

destination-pattern 0[0][0]T



dial-peer voice 41 pots

trunkgroup EBT01 1

corlist outgoing INTERNATIONAL

description *** Chamadas DDI (Embratel) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-EBT

preference 2

destination-pattern 0[0][0]T



dial-peer voice 50 pots

trunkgroup GVT01

description *** Chamadas 0800 (GVT) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-GVT

preference 1

destination-pattern 0[0][8][0][0]T



dial-peer voice 51 pots

--More--                            trunkgroup EBT01

description *** Chamadas 0800 (Embratel) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-EBT

destination-pattern 0[0][8][0][0]T



dial-peer voice 60 pots

trunkgroup GVT01

corlist outgoing INTERNATIONAL

description *** Chamadas 0300/0500/0900 (GVT) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-GVT

preference 1

destination-pattern 0[0][359][0][0]T



dial-peer voice 61 pots

trunkgroup EBT01

corlist outgoing INTERNATIONAL

description *** Chamadas 0300/0500/0900 (Embratel) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-EBT

destination-pattern 0[0][359][0][0]T



--More--                           dial-peer voice 70 pots

trunkgroup GVT01

description *** Chamadas Emergencia (GVT) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-GVT

preference 1

destination-pattern 0[1][9].



dial-peer voice 71 pots

trunkgroup GVT01

description *** Chamadas Emergencia (Embratel) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-EBT

destination-pattern 0[1][9].



dial-peer voice 80 pots

trunkgroup GVT01

description *** Chamadas Servicos de Operadora (GVT) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-GVT

preference 1

destination-pattern 0[1][0]...



--More--                           dial-peer voice 81 pots

trunkgroup EBT01

description *** Chamadas Servicos de Operadora (Embratel)***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-EBT

destination-pattern 0[1][0]...



dial-peer voice 6900 pots

description *** URA Galderma Hortolandia ***

service galderma

incoming called-number 6900$



dial-peer voice 7555 voip

description *** Voice Mail ***

destination-pattern 7555

session protocol sipv2

session target ipv4:

dtmf-relay sip-notify rtp-nte

codec g711ulaw

no vad


dial-peer voice 1000 voip

--More--                            description *** Chamadas Internas - Sao Paulo ***

destination-pattern 6[34]..$

session protocol sipv2

session target ipv4:

voice-class codec 10 

dtmf-relay sip-notify

no vad


dial-peer voice 1100 voip

description *** Toll Bypass - Hortolandia -> Sao Paulo ***

destination-pattern *11[2-9].......$

session target ipv4:

voice-class codec 10 

dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric

no vad


dial-peer voice 1200 pots

trunkgroup GVT01

description *** Toll Bypass - Sao Paulo -> Hortolandia (GVT) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-TOLLBYPASS

destination-pattern *19[2-9].......$


forward-digits 8

--More--                           !

dial-peer voice 23 pots

trunkgroup EBT01

trunkgroup GVT01

corlist outgoing MOBILE

description *** Chamadas para celular (GVT) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-EBT

preference 1

destination-pattern 00119[5-9].......

forward-digits all


dial-peer voice 24 pots

trunkgroup GVT01

corlist outgoing MOBILE

description *** Chamadas para celular (GVT) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-GVT

preference 1

destination-pattern 00119T

forward-digits all



num-exp 9 6903


--More--                            no redirection

max-forwards 10









sdspfarm units 2

sdspfarm tag 1 XCD-HRT1-01

sdspfarm tag 2 CFB-HRT1-01

conference hardware

no auto-reg-ephone

authentication credential secretname psswrd

authentication credential admin brsaoAdmin1

em keep-history

em logout 19:0

max-ephones 58

max-dn 300

ip source-address port 2000

service phone videoCapability 1

--More--                            timeouts interdigit 5

system message Galderma Brasil

url services

url authentication 

cnf-file location flash:

cnf-file perphone

user-locale U1 load CME-locale-pt_BR-Portuguese-

load 7911 SCCP11.9-1-1SR1S

load 7941 SCCP41.9-1-1SR1S

load 7942 SCCP42.9-1-1SR1S

load 7962 SCCP42.9-1-1SR1S

load 7970 SCCP70.9-1-1SR1S

load 7975 SCCP75.9-1-1SR1S

load 6921 SCCP69xx.9-1-1-0

load 6941 SCCP69xx.9-1-1-0

load 6901 SCCP6901.9-1-1-0

load 6911 SCCP6911.9-1-1-0

time-zone 17

time-format 24

date-format dd-mm-yy

voicemail 7555

max-conferences 4 gain -6

call-forward pattern .T

--More--                            moh galderma_moh.wav

multicast moh port 16384 route

web admin system name admin secret 5 $1$7FkH$.VNMtxl9Qcrcb4y.MJyjk0



transfer-system full-consult

transfer-pattern .T

secondary-dialtone 0

create cnf-files version-stamp Jan 01 2002 00:00:00



ephone-template  1

softkeys hold  Newcall Resume

softkeys idle  Redial Newcall Cfwdall Gpickup Pickup Dnd

softkeys seized  Redial Endcall Cfwdall Gpickup Pickup Meetme

softkeys alerting  Endcall Callback

softkeys connected  Hold Endcall Trnsfer Confrn

softkeys ringing  Answer Dnd



ephone-dn  1  dual-line

number 6901

pickup-group 1

--More--                            label Alexandre GACHINEIRO - 6901

name Alexandre GACHINEIRO

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  2  dual-line

number 6902

pickup-group 1

label Gisele ANDRETTO - 6902

name Gisele ANDRETTO

call-forward busy 26902

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  3  dual-line

number 6903

pickup-group 1

label Rafaela MARIANO - 6903

name Rafaela MARIANO

call-forward busy 26903

--More--                            call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  5  dual-line

number 6905

label Medicina OCUPACIONAL - 6905

name Medicina OCUPACIONAL

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  6  dual-line

number 6906

label Sala SOAPEX - 6906

name Sala SOAPEX

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  7  dual-line

number 6907

label Sala DERMOTIVIN - 6907

--More--                            name Sala DERMOTIVIN

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  9  dual-line

number 6909

label Sala DIFFERIN - 6909

name Sala DIFFERIN

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  10  dual-line

number 6910

pickup-group 2

label Tiago CALDAS - 6910

name Tiago CALDAS

call-forward busy 26910

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls

--More--                           !


ephone-dn  11  dual-line

number 6911

pickup-group 2

label Regiane MIGUEL - 6911

name Regiane MIGUEL

call-forward busy 26911

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  14  dual-line

number 6914

pickup-group 3

label Ana Paula MACIEL - 6914

name Ana Paula MACIEL

call-forward busy 26914

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  15  dual-line

--More--                            number 6915

pickup-group 3

label Elisabete LIMA - 6915

name Elisabete LIMA

call-forward busy 26915

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  16  dual-line

number 6916

pickup-group 4

label Almoxarifado 1 - 6916

name Almoxarifado 1

call-forward busy 26916

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  17  dual-line

number 6917

pickup-group 4

label Almoxarifado SEM FIO - 6917

--More--                            name Almoxarifado SEM FIO

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  18  dual-line

number 6918

pickup-group 5

label Luciana OLIVEIRA - 6918

name Luciana OLIVEIRA

call-forward busy 26918

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  19  dual-line

number 6919

pickup-group 5

label Graziela ANDRADE - 6919

name Graziela ANDRADE

call-forward busy 26919

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

--More--                            corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  20  dual-line

number 6920

pickup-group 5

label Carmen ALBERTI - 6920

name Carmen ALBERTI

call-forward busy 26920

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  21  dual-line

number 6921

pickup-group 5

label Tatiana ILLGEN - 6921

name Tatiana ILLGEN

call-forward busy 26921

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



--More--                           ephone-dn  22  dual-line

number 6922

pickup-group 5

label Natalia NISTA - 6922

name Natalia NISTA

call-forward busy 26922

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  23  dual-line

number 6923

pickup-group 6

label Anne BERALDO - 6923

name Anne BERALDO

call-forward busy 26923

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  24  dual-line

number 6924

pickup-group 7

--More--                            label Laboratorio  - 6924

name Laboratorio

call-forward busy 26924

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  25  dual-line

number 6925

pickup-group 7

label Cristina SHINKAI - 6925

name Cristina SHINKAI

call-forward busy 26925

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  26  dual-line

number 6926

pickup-group 7

label Edson AVELINO - 6926

name Edson AVELINO

call-forward busy 26926

--More--                            call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  27  dual-line

number 6927

pickup-group 8

label Fabiano LAGO - 6927

name Fabiano LAGO

call-forward busy 26927

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  28  dual-line

number 6928

pickup-group 9

label Lucas/Joco - 6928

name Lucas/Joco

call-forward busy 26928

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls


--More--                           !

ephone-dn  29  dual-line

number 6929

pickup-group 5

label Melissa LIMA - 6929

name Melissa LIMA

call-forward busy 26929

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  30  dual-line

number 6930

pickup-group 10

label George SOUZA - 6930

name George SOUZA

call-forward all 693

call-forward busy 26930

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  31  dual-line

--More--                            number 6931

pickup-group 10

label Kadija FERREIRA - 6931

name Kadija FERREIRA

call-forward busy 26931

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  32  dual-line

number 6932

pickup-group 10

label Sueli OLIVEIRA - 6932

name Sueli OLIVEIRA

call-forward busy 26932

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  33  dual-line

number 6933

pickup-group 10

label Andressa RABELO - 6933

--More--                            name Andressa RABELO

call-forward busy 26933

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  34  dual-line

number 6934

pickup-group 9

label Massimo VINCIONI - 6934

name Massimo VINCIONI

call-forward busy 26934

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  35  dual-line

number 6935

pickup-group 11

label Carina HINO - 6935

name Carina HINO

call-forward busy 26935

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

--More--                            corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  40  dual-line

number 6940

pickup-group 12

label Gerente Supply - 6940

name Gerente Supply

call-forward busy 26940

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  41  dual-line

number 6941

pickup-group 12

label Milena APOLINARIO - 6941

name Milena APOLINARIO

call-forward busy 26941

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



--More--                           ephone-dn  42  dual-line

number 6942

pickup-group 12

label Mara CAETANO - 6942

name Mara CAETANO

call-forward busy 26942

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  43  dual-line

number 6943

pickup-group 12

label Eduardo QUIRINO - 6943

name Eduardo QUIRINO

call-forward busy 26943

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  44  dual-line

number 6944

pickup-group 13

--More--                            label Marcelo RIBEIRO - 6944

name Marcelo RIBEIRO

call-forward busy 26944

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  45  dual-line

number 6945

pickup-group 4

label Andre ALMEIDA - 6945

name Andre ALMEIDA

call-forward busy 26945

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  46  dual-line

number 6946

pickup-group 4

label Paulo CESAR - 6946

name Paulo CESAR

call-forward busy 26946

--More--                            call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  47  dual-line

number 6947

pickup-group 12

label Barbara FERREIRA - 6947

name Barbara FERREIRA

call-forward all 6942

call-forward busy 26947

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  49  dual-line

number 6949



call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls


--More--                           !

ephone-dn  51  dual-line

number 6951

pickup-group 7

label Sala INSTRUMENTACAO - 6951


call-forward busy 26951

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  52  dual-line

number 6952

pickup-group 10

label Michel MARTEL - 6952

name Michel MARTEL

call-forward busy 26952

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  53  dual-line

number 6953

--More--                            pickup-group 10

label Producao SEM FIO - 6953

name Producao SEM FIO

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  54  dual-line

number 6954

pickup-group 13

label Alexandre BARROS - 6954

name Alexandre BARROS

call-forward busy 26954

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  55  dual-line

number 6955

pickup-group 7

label CQ Embalagem - 6955

name CQ Embalagem

--More--                            call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  56  dual-line

number 6956

label Sala Artes

name Sala Artes

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  91  dual-line

number 6991

label Phone BOOTH - 6991

name Phone BOOTH

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  99  dual-line

number 6999

--More--                            pickup-group 8

label Emergencia  - 6999

name Emergencia

call-forward busy 097733975

call-forward noan 097733975 timeout 12

corlist incoming InternationalCalls



ephone-dn  102  dual-line

number 26902

label Gisele ANDRETTO (Logout)

name Gisele ANDRETTO

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  103  dual-line

number 26903

label Rafaela MARIANO (Logout)

name Rafaela MARIANO

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

--More--                            corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  110  dual-line

number 26910

label Tiago CALDAS (Logout)

name Tiago CALDAS

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  111  dual-line

number 26911

label Regiane MIGUEL (Logout)

name Regiane MIGUEL

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  114  dual-line

number 26914

--More--                            label Ana Paula MACIEL (Logout)

name Ana Paula MACIEL

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  115  dual-line

number 26915

label Elisabete LIMA (Logout)

name Elisabete LIMA

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  116  dual-line

number 26916

label Almoxarifado 1 (Logout)

name Almoxarifado 1

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls

--More--                           !


ephone-dn  118  dual-line

number 26918

label Luciana OLIVEIRA (Logout)

name Luciana OLIVEIRA

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  119  dual-line

number 26919

label Graziela ANDRADE (Logout)

name Graziela ANDRADE

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  120  dual-line

number 26920

label Carmen ALBERTI (Logout)

--More--                            name Carmen ALBERTI

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  121  dual-line

number 26921

label Tatiana ILLGEN (Logout)

name Tatiana ILLGEN

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  122  dual-line

number 26922

label Natalia NISTA (Logout)

name Natalia NISTA

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls


--More--                           !

ephone-dn  123  dual-line

number 26923

label Anne BERALDO (Logout)

name Anne BERALDO

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  124  dual-line

number 26924

label Laboratorio  (Logout)

name Laboratorio

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  125  dual-line

number 26925

label Cristina SHINKAI (Logout)

name Cristina SHINKAI

--More--                            call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  126  dual-line

number 26926

label Edson AVELINO (Logout)

name Edson AVELINO

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  127  dual-line

number 26927

label Fabiano LAGO (Logout)

name Fabiano LAGO

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



--More--                           ephone-dn  128  dual-line

number 26928

label Lucas/Joco (Logout)

name Lucas/Joco

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  129  dual-line

number 26929

label Melissa LIMA (Logout)

name Melissa LIMA

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  130  dual-line

number 26930

label George SOUZA (Logout)

name George SOUZA

call-forward busy 7555

--More--                            call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  131  dual-line

number 26931

label Kadija FERREIRA (Logout)

name Kadija FERREIRA

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  132  dual-line

number 26932

label Sueli OLIVEIRA (Logout)

name Sueli OLIVEIRA

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  133  dual-line

--More--                            number 26933

label Andressa RABELO (Logout)

name Andressa RABELO

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  134  dual-line

number 26934

label Massimo VINCIONI (Logout)

name Massimo VINCIONI

call-forward all 6924

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  135  dual-line

number 26935

label Carina HINO (Logout)

name Carina HINO

call-forward busy 7555

--More--                            call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  140  dual-line

number 26940

label Gerente Supply (Logout)

name Gerente Supply

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  141  dual-line

number 26941

label Milena APOLINARIO (Logout)

name Milena APOLINARIO

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  142  dual-line

--More--                            number 26942

label Mara CAETANO (Logout)

name Mara CAETANO

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  143  dual-line

number 26943

label Eduardo QUIRINO (Logout)

name Eduardo QUIRINO

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  144  dual-line

number 26944

label Marcelo RIBEIRO (Logout)

name Marcelo RIBEIRO

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

--More--                            corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  145  dual-line

number 26945

label Andre ALMEIDA (Logout)

name Andre ALMEIDA

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  146  dual-line

number 26946

label Paulo CESAR (Logout)

name Paulo CESAR

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  147  dual-line

number 26947

--More--                            label Barbara FERREIRA (Logout)

name Barbara FERREIRA

call-forward all 6942

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  151  dual-line

number 26951

label Sala INSTRUMENTACAO (Logout)


call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  152  dual-line

number 26952

label Michel MARTEL (Logout)

name Michel MARTEL

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

--More--                            corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  154  dual-line

number 26954

label Alexandre BARROS (Logout)

name Alexandre BARROS

call-forward busy 7555

call-forward noan 7555 timeout 16

corlist incoming BlockCalls



ephone-dn  201  dual-line

number 16901

pickup-group 1

label Linha Privada

name Alexandre GACHINEIRO



ephone-dn  202  dual-line

number 16902

pickup-group 1

label Linha Privada

--More--                            name Andreza VERONEZI



ephone-dn  295  octo-line

number 7785

conference ad-hoc

preference 1

no huntstop



ephone-dn  296  octo-line

number 7786

conference ad-hoc

preference 1

no huntstop



ephone-dn  297  octo-line

number 7787

conference ad-hoc

preference 1

no huntstop


--More--                           !

ephone-dn  298  octo-line

number 7788

conference ad-hoc

preference 1

no huntstop



ephone-dn  299

number 8000....

mwi on



ephone-dn  300

number 8001....

mwi off



ephone  1

mac-address 88F0.7789.0BF9

ephone-template 1

type 7975

button  1:1 2:201

--More--                           !



ephone  2


mac-address 1CAA.0711.FCBF

ephone-template 1

type 7962

logout-profile 2




ephone  3


mac-address 1CAA.07E2.0181

ephone-template 1

type 7962

logout-profile 3




ephone  5

description Medicina OCUPACIONAL

--More--                            mac-address DA2E.BECF.3003

ephone-template 1

max-calls-per-button 2

type anl

button  1:5




ephone  6

description Sala SOAPEX

mac-address 1CAA.0710.DEA1

ephone-template 1

type 7942

button  1:6




ephone  7


mac-address 1CAA.0710.DE3A

ephone-template 1

type 7942

button  1:7

--More--                           !



ephone  9

description Sala DIFFERIN

mac-address FCAF.1C02.0002

max-calls-per-button 2

type anl

button  1:9




ephone  10


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E5AE

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 10




ephone  11


--More--                            mac-address 1CAA.0710.F193

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 11




ephone  14


mac-address 1CAA.0710.F01E

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 14




ephone  15


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E4DD

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 15


--More--                           !


ephone  16


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E5C9

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 16




ephone  17

description Almoxarifado SEM FIO

mac-address FCAF.1C02.0003

max-calls-per-button 2

type anl

button  1:17




ephone  18


mac-address 1CAA.0710.F079

--More--                            ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 18




ephone  19


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E75E

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 19




ephone  20


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E610

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 20



--More--                           !

ephone  21


mac-address 1CAA.0710.EE21

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 21




ephone  22


mac-address 1CAA.0710.5560

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 22




ephone  23


mac-address 1CAA.0710.F240

ephone-template 1

--More--                            type 7942

logout-profile 23




ephone  24

description Sem Fio LABORATORIO


mac-address FCAF.1C02.0001

max-calls-per-button 2

type anl

button  1:24




ephone  25


mac-address 1CAA.0710.4F36

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 25



--More--                           !

ephone  26


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E915

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 26




ephone  27


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E59E

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 27




ephone  28


mac-address 1CAA.0710.EF49

ephone-template 1

--More--                            type 7942

logout-profile 28




ephone  29


mac-address 1CAA.0710.566E

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 29




ephone  30


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E4F4

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 30




--More--                           ephone  31


mac-address 1CAA.0710.F06D

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 31




ephone  32


mac-address 1CAA.0710.F0A6

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 32




ephone  33


mac-address 1CAA.0711.0BD2

ephone-template 1

type 7942

--More--                            logout-profile 33




ephone  34


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E594

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 34




ephone  35


mac-address 1CAA.0710.F168

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 35




ephone  40

--More--                            video

mac-address 1CAA.0710.F192

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 40




ephone  41


mac-address 1CAA.0710.EE14

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 41




ephone  42


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E559

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 42

--More--                           !



ephone  43


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E500

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 43




ephone  44


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E4BD

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 44




ephone  45


--More--                            mac-address 1CAA.0710.E902

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 45




ephone  46


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E779

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 46




ephone  47


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E4FE

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 47


--More--                           !


ephone  49


mac-address DA2E.BECF.3000

max-calls-per-button 2

type anl

button  1:49




ephone  51


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E90D

ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 51




ephone  52


mac-address 1CAA.0710.F105

--More--                            ephone-template 1

type 7942

logout-profile 52




ephone  53

description Producao SEM FIO

mac-address DA2E.BECF.3001

max-calls-per-button 2

type anl

button  1:53




ephone  54


mac-address 1CAA.0710.E62B

type 7942

logout-profile 54




--More--                           ephone  55

description CQ Embalagem

mac-address DA2E.BECF.3002

max-calls-per-button 2

type anl

button  1:55




ephone  56

description Reserva SEGURANCA

mac-address FCAF.1C02.0000

max-calls-per-button 2

type anl

button  1:56




ephone  91

mac-address 1CAA.0711.0BE5

ephone-template 1

type 7942

button  1:91

--More--                           !



ephone  101

description IP Communicator Alexandre GACHINEIRO


mac-address 183D.A299.EC94

ephone-template 1

type CIPC

button  1:1




ephone  123

description IP Communicator Anne BERALDO


mac-address 0027.107B.7AE8

ephone-template 1

type CIPC

button  1:23




--More--                           ephone  135

description IP Communicator Carina HINO


mac-address 0021.0071.9138

type CIPC

button  1:35





line con 0

line aux 0

line 67

no activation-character

no exec

transport preferred none

transport input all

transport output pad telnet rlogin lapb-ta mop udptn v120 ssh

stopbits 1

line vty 0 4

password 7 121B170413042D0027222A79

transport input telnet ssh


--More--                           scheduler allocate 20000 1000

ntp source GigabitEthernet0/0

ntp server


BRHRTGW01#                                                            show dialplan number 0   093159093

Macro Exp.: 093159093


    peer type = voice, system default peer = FALSE, information type = voice


    description = `*** Chamadas para celular (Embratel) ***',

    tag = 21, destination-pattern = `0[6-9].......',

    voice reg type = 0, corresponding tag = 0,

    allow watch = FALSE

    answer-address = `', preference=0,

    CLID Restriction = None

    CLID Network Number = `'

    CLID Second Number sent

    CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,

    rtp-ssrc mux = system

    source carrier-id = `',    target carrier-id = `',

    source trunk-group-label = `',    target trunk-group-label = `',

    numbering Type = `unknown'

    group = 21, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,

    Outbound state is up,

    incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,

    DTMF Relay = disabled,

    URI classes:

        Destination =

--More--                               huntstop = disabled,

    in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'

    out bound application associated: ''

    dnis-map =

    permission :both

    incoming COR list:maximum capability

    outgoing COR list:MOBILE

    Translation profile (Incoming):

    Translation profile (Outgoing):PSTN-OUT-EBT

    incoming call blocking:

    translation-profile = `'

    disconnect-cause = `no-service'

    advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4

    mailbox selection policy: none


    id = `EBT01', preference = `'

    type = pots, prefix = `',

    forward-digits default

    session-target = `', voice-port = `',

    direct-inward-dial = enabled,

    digit_strip = enabled,

    register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE

    fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes

--More--                               supported-language = ''

    preemption level = `routine'


        maximum = 64 KBits/sec, minimum = 64 KBits/sec

    voice class called-number:

        inbound = `', outbound = `'

    dial tone generation after remote onhook = enabled

    mobility=0, snr=, snr_noan=, snr_delay=0, snr_timeout=0

    snr calling-number local=disabled, snr ring-stop=disabled, snr answer-to

o-soon timer=0

    Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never

    Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,

    Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 59, Incomplete Calls = 0

    Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,

    Last Disconnect Cause is "",

    Last Disconnect Text is "",

    Last Setup Time = 0.

    Last Disconnect Time = 0.

Matched: 093159093   Digits: 2



    peer type = voice, system default peer = FALSE, information type = voice


--More--                               description = `*** Chamadas para celular (GVT) ***',

    tag = 20, destination-pattern = `0[6-9].......',

    voice reg type = 0, corresponding tag = 0,

    allow watch = FALSE

    answer-address = `', preference=1,

    CLID Restriction = None

    CLID Network Number = `'

    CLID Second Number sent

    CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,

    rtp-ssrc mux = system

    source carrier-id = `',    target carrier-id = `',

    source trunk-group-label = `',    target trunk-group-label = `',

    numbering Type = `unknown'

    group = 20, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,

    Outbound state is up,

    incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,

    DTMF Relay = disabled,

    URI classes:

        Destination =

    huntstop = disabled,

    in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'

    out bound application associated: ''

    dnis-map =

--More--                               permission :both

    incoming COR list:maximum capability

    outgoing COR list:MOBILE

    Translation profile (Incoming):

    Translation profile (Outgoing):PSTN-OUT-GVT

    incoming call blocking:

    translation-profile = `'

    disconnect-cause = `no-service'

    advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4

    mailbox selection policy: none


    id = `GVT01', preference = `'

    type = pots, prefix = `',

    forward-digits default

    session-target = `', voice-port = `',

    direct-inward-dial = enabled,

    digit_strip = enabled,

    register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE

    fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes

    supported-language = ''

    preemption level = `routine'


        maximum = 64 KBits/sec, minimum = 64 KBits/sec

--More--                               voice class called-number:

        inbound = `', outbound = `'

    dial tone generation after remote onhook = enabled

    mobility=0, snr=, snr_noan=, snr_delay=0, snr_timeout=0

    snr calling-number local=disabled, snr ring-stop=disabled, snr answer-to

o-soon timer=0

    Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never

    Connect Time = 366886, Charged Units = 0,

    Successful Calls = 59, Failed Calls = 0, Incomplete Calls = 0

    Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,

    Last Disconnect Cause is "10  ",

    Last Disconnect Text is "normal call clearing (16)",

    Last Setup Time = 25835384.

    Last Disconnect Time = 25838340.

Matched: 093159093   Digits: 2


BRHRTGW01#    show dialplan number 093159093                        0119754410   013

Macro Exp.: 0011975441013


    peer type = voice, system default peer = FALSE, information type = voice


    description = `*** Chamadas para celular (GVT) ***',

    tag = 23, destination-pattern = `00119[5-9].......',

    voice reg type = 0, corresponding tag = 0,

    allow watch = FALSE

    answer-address = `', preference=1,

    CLID Restriction = None

    CLID Network Number = `'

    CLID Second Number sent

    CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,

    rtp-ssrc mux = system

    source carrier-id = `',    target carrier-id = `',

    source trunk-group-label = `',    target trunk-group-label = `',

    numbering Type = `unknown'

    group = 23, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,

    Outbound state is up,

    incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,

    DTMF Relay = disabled,

    URI classes:

        Destination =

--More--                               huntstop = disabled,

    in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'

    out bound application associated: ''

    dnis-map =

    permission :both

    incoming COR list:maximum capability

    outgoing COR list:MOBILE

    Translation profile (Incoming):

    Translation profile (Outgoing):PSTN-OUT-EBT

    incoming call blocking:

    translation-profile = `'

    disconnect-cause = `no-service'

    advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4

    mailbox selection policy: none


    id = `EBT01', preference = `'

    id = `GVT01', preference = `'

    type = pots, prefix = `',

    forward-digits all

    session-target = `', voice-port = `',

    direct-inward-dial = disabled,

    digit_strip = enabled,

    register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE

--More--                               fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes

    supported-language = ''

    preemption level = `routine'


        maximum = 64 KBits/sec, minimum = 64 KBits/sec

    voice class called-number:

        inbound = `', outbound = `'

    dial tone generation after remote onhook = enabled

    mobility=0, snr=, snr_noan=, snr_delay=0, snr_timeout=0

    snr calling-number local=disabled, snr ring-stop=disabled, snr answer-to

o-soon timer=0

    Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never

    Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,

    Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 10, Incomplete Calls = 0

    Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,

    Last Disconnect Cause is "",

    Last Disconnect Text is "",

    Last Setup Time = 0.

    Last Disconnect Time = 0.

Matched: 0011975441013   Digits: 6



--More--                               peer type = voice, system default peer = FALSE, information type = voice


    description = `*** Chamadas DDD (Embratel) ***',

    tag = 31, destination-pattern = `0[0][1-9][1-9]........',

    voice reg type = 0, corresponding tag = 0,

    allow watch = FALSE

    answer-address = `', preference=0,

    CLID Restriction = None

    CLID Network Number = `'

    CLID Second Number sent

    CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,

    rtp-ssrc mux = system

    source carrier-id = `',    target carrier-id = `',

    source trunk-group-label = `',    target trunk-group-label = `',

    numbering Type = `unknown'

    group = 31, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,

    Outbound state is up,

    incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,

    DTMF Relay = disabled,

    URI classes:

        Destination =

    huntstop = disabled,

    in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'

    out bound application associated: ''

--More--                               dnis-map =

    permission :both

    incoming COR list:maximum capability

    outgoing COR list:LONGDISTANCE

    Translation profile (Incoming):

    Translation profile (Outgoing):PSTN-OUT-EBT

    incoming call blocking:

    translation-profile = `'

    disconnect-cause = `no-service'

    advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4

    mailbox selection policy: none


    id = `EBT01', preference = `1'

    type = pots, prefix = `',

    forward-digits 13

    session-target = `', voice-port = `',

    direct-inward-dial = enabled,

    digit_strip = enabled,

    register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE

    fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes

    supported-language = ''

    preemption level = `routine'


--More--                                   maximum = 64 KBits/sec, minimum = 64 KBits/sec

    voice class called-number:

        inbound = `', outbound = `'

    dial tone generation after remote onhook = enabled

    mobility=0, snr=, snr_noan=, snr_delay=0, snr_timeout=0

    snr calling-number local=disabled, snr ring-stop=disabled, snr answer-to

o-soon timer=0

    Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never

    Connect Time = 0, Charged Units = 0,

    Successful Calls = 0, Failed Calls = 65, Incomplete Calls = 0

    Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,

    Last Disconnect Cause is "",

    Last Disconnect Text is "",

    Last Setup Time = 0.

    Last Disconnect Time = 0.

Matched: 0011975441013   Digits: 4



    peer type = voice, system default peer = FALSE, information type = voice


    description = `*** Chamadas DDD (GVT) ***',

    tag = 30, destination-pattern = `0[0][1-9][1-9]........',

    voice reg type = 0, corresponding tag = 0,

--More--                               allow watch = FALSE

    answer-address = `', preference=1,

    CLID Restriction = None

    CLID Network Number = `'

    CLID Second Number sent

    CLID Override RDNIS = disabled,

    rtp-ssrc mux = system

    source carrier-id = `',    target carrier-id = `',

    source trunk-group-label = `',    target trunk-group-label = `',

    numbering Type = `unknown'

    group = 30, Admin state is up, Operation state is up,

    Outbound state is up,

    incoming called-number = `', connections/maximum = 0/unlimited,

    DTMF Relay = disabled,

    URI classes:

        Destination =

    huntstop = disabled,

    in bound application associated: 'DEFAULT'

    out bound application associated: ''

    dnis-map =

    permission :both

    incoming COR list:maximum capability

    outgoing COR list:LONGDISTANCE

--More--                               Translation profile (Incoming):

    Translation profile (Outgoing):PSTN-OUT-GVT

    incoming call blocking:

    translation-profile = `'

    disconnect-cause = `no-service'

    advertise 0x40 capacity_update_timer 25 addrFamily 4 oldAddrFamily 4

    mailbox selection policy: none


    id = `GVT01', preference = `1'

    type = pots, prefix = `',

    forward-digits 13

    session-target = `', voice-port = `',

    direct-inward-dial = enabled,

    digit_strip = enabled,

    register E.164 number with H323 GK and/or SIP Registrar = TRUE

    fax rate = system,   payload size =  20 bytes

    supported-language = ''

    preemption level = `routine'


        maximum = 64 KBits/sec, minimum = 64 KBits/sec

    voice class called-number:

        inbound = `', outbound = `'

    dial tone generation after remote onhook = enabled

--More--                               mobility=0, snr=, snr_noan=, snr_delay=0, snr_timeout=0

    snr calling-number local=disabled, snr ring-stop=disabled, snr answer-to

o-soon timer=0

    Time elapsed since last clearing of voice call statistics never

    Connect Time = 608670, Charged Units = 0,

    Successful Calls = 64, Failed Calls = 1, Incomplete Calls = 0

    Accepted Calls = 0, Refused Calls = 0,

    Last Disconnect Cause is "10  ",

    Last Disconnect Text is "normal call clearing (16)",

    Last Setup Time = 25835486.

    Last Disconnect Time = 25838529.

Matched: 0011975441013   Digits: 4



Alexandre só mais um detalhe

Como é realizada a discagem?

De Hortolandia para Celular de Sao Paulo ( 0 021 11 989710877) ou (0 011 89710877)

De Hortolandia para Nextel de Sao Paulo (0 021 11 77395389) ou (0 011 77395389)

De Hortolandia para Outras Localidades DDD (0 021 13 21007108) ou (0 013 21007108)

Todas as chamadas tem que sair pelo Trunk da GVT e prefixando o 021 correto?

Bruno Rangel
Please remember to rate helpful responses using the star bellow and identify helpful or correct answers

Os translations rules estão corretos de acordo com a discagem usada?

Leonardo Santana

*** Rate All Helpful Responses***

Em Hortolandia os usuários efetuam as ligações da seguinte forma para ligações locais 0 + o telefone por exemplo  0993159093 para ligações DDD é feito da seguinte formar s for para SP é 0011975441234 e nextel é 001177551234. Se for para o Rio de Janeiro é 0021 99991234 em todos os casos a operadora é adicionado automaticamente. Se tiver como prefixa o 021 para todas as ligações era bom.

Tem como, fazendo um translation-rule para prefixar 21 nas chamadas DDD.


Leonardo Santana

Leonardo Santana

*** Rate All Helpful Responses***

Leonardo o problema que as ligações para celulares tem hora que faz outra não. Não sei o que esta errada na Dial-peer

Ok Alexandre

Porem é importante saber por qual Trunk/Link as suas chamadas devem sair preferencialmente.

trunkgroup EBT01 - Link da Embratel

trunkgroup GVT01 - Link da GVT

Sabemos que deve-se pre fixar a operadora 021 (EBT) e isso é feito pela sua Voice translation Rule (translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-EBT).

Esse exemplo que vc deu de chamada Local não esta correto, 0993159093 assumindo que vc está em Hortolandia.

Bruno Rangel
Please remember to rate helpful responses using the star bellow and identify helpful or correct answers

Bruno, como havia dito sou iniciante em call manager.. Gostaria que qualquer ligação saindo de Hortolândia para celulares SP 00119 quando digitasse foi direcionado para o dial-peer certo. O que acontece em alguns casos ao digitar 0011975441234 diz que o numero não existe e tem casos que solicita para adicionar o numero 9 na frente dos celulares. Como posso criar uma regra para as ligações de telefone celulares saindo de hortoLandia 019. Não sei se é importante em alguns casos a ligação somente e realizada com o telefone no gancho caso tire pede para discar nove... muito estranho.. O sh running-config esta acima..

dial-peer voice 23 pots
trunkgroup EBT01
corlist outgoing MOBILE
description *** Chamadas para celular (GVT) ***
translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-EBT
preference 1
destination-pattern 00119[5-9].......
forward-digits all

dial-peer voice 24 pots
trunkgroup GVT01
corlist outgoing MOBILE
description *** Chamadas para celular (GVT) ***
translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-GVT
preference 1
destination-pattern 00119T
forward-digits all

Vamos lá Alexandre sei que não é simples, muita hora nessa calma, deixa eu tentar ajudar!

Primeiramente vamos criar uma Dial-peer para as chamadas para Celular de Sao Paulo sairem pelo Gateway de São Paulo, na sua configuração vc tem essa facilidade e está descrita como " Toll Bypass - Hortolandia -> Sao Paulo "

Crie uma nova dial-peer assim:

dial-peer voice 1300 voip

description ** Toll Bypass - Hortolandia -> Cel Sao Paulo **

destination-pattern *119[5-9].......$

session target ipv4:

voice-class codec 10

dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric

no vad

Após criada a Dial-Peer faça um teste de chamada para um celular de São Paulo (Ex: 011989710877), verifique se a chamada pega a DP 1300 e consequentemente o Gateway de Sao Paulo.

Um debug voip ccapi inout pode confirmar se a chamada está saindo corretamente, porem esse debug pode causar um alto processamento do Gateway dependendo do fluxo de chamadas.

Uma dica é simplesmente fazer um show voice call status no momento da chamada ou perguntar para a pessoa/celular que voce ligou o numero que apareceu no BINA / Visor do Celular.

2 Passo: Voce tem duas dial-peers para chamadas DDD, o que pode estar ocorrendo o que chamamos de "Overlapping" que é basicamente qdo o numero discado encontra varios caminhos iguais para um mesmo destino.

Entao colocar preferencias na DP e incluir o sinal de dolar/cifrão ($) ajuda a minimizar isso.

Então ficaria assim:

dial-peer voice 30 pots

trunkgroup GVT01

corlist outgoing LONGDISTANCE

description *** Chamadas DDD (GVT) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-GVT

preference 1 ! Veja comentario abaixo

destination-pattern 0[0][1-9][1-9]........$ ! Veja comentario abaixo


forward-digits 13

Foi incluido o sinal de dolar ($) no final do destination-pattern, e o preference 1 foi colocado para chamadas DDD sairem pelo link da GVT apenas quando o link Embratel falhar.



dial-peer voice 31 pots

trunkgroup EBT01

Preference 0 ! Veja comentario abaixo

corlist outgoing LONGDISTANCE

description *** Chamadas DDD (Embratel) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-EBT

destination-pattern 0[0][1-9][1-9]........$ ! Veja comentario abaixo


forward-digits 13

Foi incluido o sinal de dolar ($) no final do destination-pattern, e o preference 0 foi colocado na dial-peer para chamadas DDD sairem pelo link da Embratel como primeira escolha.



dial-peer voice 30 pots

trunkgroup GVT01

corlist outgoing LONGDISTANCE

description *** Chamadas DDD (GVT) ***

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-GVT

preference 1 ! Veja comentario abaixo

destination-pattern 0[0][1-9][1-9]........$ ! Veja comentario abaixo


forward-digits 13

Foi incluido o sinal de dolar ($) no final do destination-pattern, e o preference 1 foi colocado para chamadas DDD sairem pelo link da GVT apenas quando o link Embratel falhar.

3 passo:

As dial-peers criadas para celular para São Paulo com prefixo 9 necessita de algumas modificações tambem

dial-peer voice 23 pots

trunkgroup EBT01

corlist outgoing LONGDISTANCE ! veja comentario abaixo

description *** Chamadas para celular de SP do Trunk EBT *** ! veja comentario abaixo

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-EBT

preference 0 ! veja comentario abaixo

destination-pattern 00119[5-9].......$ ! veja comentario abaixo

forward-digits all

Foi alterado a corlist para LONGDISTANCE para a marcar o correto privilegio para a dial-peer, mude tambem a description apenas por uma questão estetica e pode ajudar em futuros troubleshooting, modificado o preference 0 para priorizar a dial-peer de saida pela EBT e por fim  incluido o sinal de dolar ($) no final do destination-pattern


dial-peer voice 24 pots

trunkgroup GVT01

corlist outgoing LONGDISTANCE ! veja comentario abaixo

description *** Chamadas para celular de SP do Trunk GVT *** ! veja comentario abaixo

translation-profile outgoing PSTN-OUT-GVT

preference 1 ! veja comentario abaixo

destination-pattern 00119[5-9].......$ ! veja comentario abaixo

forward-digits all

Foi alterado a corlist para LONGDISTANCE para a  marcar o correto privilegio para a dial-peer, tambem a description apenas por uma questão estetica e pode ajudar em futuros  troubleshooting, modificado o preference 1 sairem pelo link da GVT apenas quando o link Embratel falhar.e por fim  incluido o sinal de dolar ($) no final do destination-pattern

Espero ter sido claro e que isso ajude a resolver seu problema, porem uma ultima sugestão é realizar essas alterações e testar uma a uma todos os tipos de chamadas para ir isolando as possiveis falhas, faça um backup de sua configuração atual e faça essas mudanças em um horario que o impacto ao ambiente seja o mais reduzido possivel.

Qualquer duvida estamos ai!!!

Bruno Rangel
Please remember to rate helpful responses using the star bellow and identify helpful or correct answers