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Ahmed Abdi
Level 1
Level 1



I have established site to site vpn tunnel between ASA 5505 and Fortigate Firewall, the tunnel is up and also traffic from the ASA LAN

to the Fortigate LAN is perfectly working(ICMP,Telnet), but the traffic from Fortigate LAN to the ASA LAN is completely  not working.



ASA-LAN----->ASA_GATEWAY------------Internet ----------------------------Fortigate-VPN Gateway------------------Fortigate-LAN


From ASA LAN----to--Fortigate LAN === OK

From Fortigate-LAN -- to--ASA-LAN ==== not working..


Fortigate Policies is in place

ASA Firewall Rules is also in place.   --- I have Created one Outside Rule From Fortigate-LAN-2-ASA-LAN and also created

one Inside-Rule from ASA-LAN-2-Fortigate-LAN.

Please help me if I am missing some configurations.





7 Replies 7

Boris Uskov
Level 4
Level 4

Hello, Ahmed.

Let's try to isolate the problem. You can you the following command on ASA:

show crypto ipsec sa | i encaps|decaps

By this command you'll see, if the packets from Fortigate's LAN are coming to ASA. So, please, try to initiate some connections from Fortigate's LAN to ASA's LAN and simultaneously issue show crypto ipsec sa | i encaps|decaps command on ASA.

If you'll see, that "decaps" counters are increasing, will be sure, that the packets from Fortigate reach the ASA, and ASA is able to decapsulate them. If counters are not increasing, the issue is somewhere on the link or on the Fortigate. 


Thanks for the valuable tips, I think the problem is from Fortigate side and I will keep 

looking what I am missing.



Sorry for my broken English

Hitesh Vinzoda
Level 4
Level 4

how does you policies for Fortigate looks like, If its policy based VPN on Fortigate with action as IPsec then move it to top and make source and destination specific instead of all to all.




Hi Hitesh,


Fortigate policies are in the top of all policies, still there is only one way connection (From ASA LAN to Fortigate LAN is ok) but the other way connectivity is not happening.

Also static route towards to the Fortigate phase 1 interface is in place.




Hi Ahmed

Please go to phase 1 settings of the fortigate and check if interface is enabled or not. If it's not then you would need to remove static route towards tunnel.

Secondly please check for any policy routes under routes to check if you don't have a override there.


Also provide the output of 


Diag  vpn tunnel list and 

Get router info routing-table all




Hi Hitesh,

Thanks for the valuable tips, 

the phase 1 interface for the fortigate is enabled, and there is no routes that looks to be overridden.


Attached is the 

Diag  vpn tunnel list and 

Get router info routing-table all




Level 1
Level 1

hello @Ahmed Abdi 

can you screenshot the policies in place + routes from the fortigate firewall?
