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AnyConnect Client cannot support multiple SAML Identity Providers

Level 1
Level 1

I am using Cisco AnyConnect 4.10.0703 either desktop or mobile (Secure Client 5.0.02602 on iOS) against two separate Google GSuite Identity Providers on separate ASAs. One is for my work and the other for my home connection. Using GSuite I have setup SAML IDPs that are used against two separate GSuite tenancies for the two ASA connections and can login fine using my Google Account against the two ASAs fine. I assume if I was using Entra AAD SAML federations I would have the same problem but haven't tested it. However when I attempt to authenticate to the other endpoint because the AnyConnect client has cached the SAML credentials from the other provider locally and I get an "app_not_configured_for_user" error from Google.


If I remove everything under "%APPDATA%\..\Local\Cisco\Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client\EBWebView" on the windows desktop, and for the iOS device I need to un-install AnyConnect and re-install it again from the app store.

I found the folder in this community post as removing the "EBWebView" folder is only documented here on the community as a work-around.

After doing that I can authenticate to the other ASA using the correct credentials.

For Windows it isn't such a pain as I rename the folder to be "EBWebView.Work" vs "EBWebView.Home". But that seems to be the only work-around.

Any suggestions on what can be done?

1 Reply 1

JP Miranda Z
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi PeteL,


Can you confirm if you have force re-authentication in the SAML idp config under webvpn?

In theory from the AnyConnect perspective we should not be caching any information when using the embedded browser:

  • Since Cisco Secure Client with the embedded browser uses a new browser session on every VPN attempt, users must re-authenticate every time, if the IdP uses HTTP session cookies to track logon state. In this case, the Force Re-Authentication setting in Configuration > Remote Access VPN > Clientless SSL VPN Access > Advanced > Single Sign On Servers > has no effect on Cisco Secure Client initiated SAML authentication.


Hope this helps!

