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Webex Teams SECTIONS feature -- how can I order the Sections?

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Great new feature in latest release of Webex Teams giving users access to more than just Favorites and Other groupings. I have dug in and love the feature since it helps me organize hundreds of contacts and spaces into logical ready access groups. And right now I dont see a way to sort the Sections. It appears to sort on the most recently edited Section name which is odd. Is there a way now or a minor feature that could be added to allow users to sort by the classic options of A-Z, latest created, or ideally latest used Section? 

Note that example that "ZZ - Occasional use" shows it is not in alphabetical order. The "A-team Daily Partners" was the last edited. And you can see that the "Key Leaders" which is the most important to track is buried below the rest. Any help to clarify if there is a way to set that which I am missing -- or how to enhance this feature from good to great in the next update would be appreciated. 

Thanks, Tony -- long time reseller of Cisco and UC collab specialist


example of Webex Teams SECTIONS 5-25-23.png

17 Replies 17

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It would be helpful if the sections automatically displayed alphabetically instead of in LIFO order. Or, at a minimum, if I could drag-and-drop the sections, I could work around this. The only way that I know to fix this is to delete all of my sections and re-add them in reverse alpha order.

You can reorder sections now with the move up/down options. Drag-and-drop is coming this month, assuming it passes the beta successfully, per the what's new article.

Hi Jonathan, any idea how to reorder the chats WITHIN a section though please? It doesn't seem to be available (right click options or drag/drop), which is frustrating when you have many names in a section in no apparent order.

Spaces are always sorted by activity; the most recent will be at the top.

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Level 1

My Webex on iPhone does not even support the sections I defined on my laptop Webex.   So I assume they are busy with mobile platforms.   But yes its annoying Sections appear to be randomly ordered so hard to know where to look if you define more than a handful as my case.

Sections are supported on the mobile app if you enable "show sections" in the filter by button.

I found a way to select the section, right-click on Move Up/Move Down.

Adam G Alsop
Level 1
Level 1

Hello!  This does not appear to work for me on Win10.  I can right-click on a NEW Name (ONLY after a DM) and select to MOVE it to a SECTION, but there is no way to move or re-order any SECTION.  The only right-click options for a SECTION are:  RENAME / CREATE SECTION / COLLAPSE ALL SECTIONS / DELETE SECTION.  This is on v43.5.0.26155 (although I just noticed it is awaiting an update.  I will post an update to this once I am able to reboot my system).


--- Adam

UPDATE:  The app is now updated to v43.6.0.26407 and the functionality is still not there   Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Going to re-post this issue in a separate topic.

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Level 1

And related -- I see from this update that everyone but Android users can use SECTIONS -- any timeline on Android version? 

Space list sections—Windows, Linux, and Mac

Struggling to manage your spaces? We're introducing a new way to organize your spaces into sections. Create your sections and move spaces into them with drag and drop, or a right-click. You can also collapse and expand sections to give your space list a clean new look. When collapsed, if there are unread messages within your favorites or other sections, the section title will be bolded with a blue notification dot, making sure you don't miss an unread space.

When you create sections on desktop, you can see these sections on iPhone or iPad.

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Level 1

this is my first post to the Cisco Community even though I have been selling Cisco at Presidio since 2003 -- so please let me know if there is a more efficient way to ask for feature enhancement. 

Welcome to the community. The community is not the place to ask for feature requests. There is an AHA page for that or you could reach out to your partner contact at Cisco to have he/she put in the feature request.

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So by these two replies, I can deduce that this feature does not presently exist -- is that correct? I wanted to check that first in case it was hidden away somewhere that I couldn't see, before going through the feature request process. 

Correct, you cannot rearrange sections or view them on Android yet. Sections are a new feature within the last 60 days. I can't discuss forward-looking roadmap details on the public support forums but I'd expect Cisco to continue fleshing this new capability out. Whomever coined the term "Rome wasn't built in a day" must have been a product manager. Considering your employer (congrats on 20 years!), you should have other avenues to ask Cisco about this under NDA.

Update: Manually re-ordering sections entered beta this morning. Feel free to join the beta program. Otherwise it should be out in August unless a defect is discovered that holds back the release date.

Sorry, but I didn’t even know that this was a possibility, nor if there are additional options.

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