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RV 120W - Problems with PS3

Level 1
Level 1

Good morning,

I've some troubles connecting my PS3 to my RV120W.

Both router and PS3 have latest firmwares. They are connected wireless (distance is about 10 mt, signal is good).

PS3 ip is in DMZ (connection doesn't work with only Upnp), and ip fragmentation is enabled.

Everything  seems to work (NAT type 2), but downloading on PS3 is extremely slow. My  ADSL is a 6Mb, download speed on PS3 seems like more than ten times  lower (I don't know how to test it..). Plus, downloading a 100 MB patch is almost impossile, cause sooner or later I get an error and i have to restart.

Two of my PCs are connected wireless, so I guess wi-fi is not the problem.

Thanks for your help.

3 Replies 3

Clayton Sill
Level 1
Level 1

Hello Nicola,

I am not sure if you have test the PS3 wireless feature with other wireless routers but from my experience (at least with the old fat PS3's) the wireless cards are not good at all. It took me forever to download stuff as well and I finally got to the point were I just used a hardwire connection. Have you tried connecting the PS3 hardwire just to test? I would use the built in Internet brower in the PS3 to go to or something along those lines. Also what are the wireless settings you have configured in the RV120w? Are the two PC's experiencing slows speeds either?

Hope that helps,


Clayton Sill

Hi Clayton,

First of all, I get full bandwith with my two PCs, I'm sure of that.

The wireless setting are: B/G/N combination, 20 MHz, auto wireless channel, U-ASPD, I have one SSID active.

Tomorrow I'll try to connect the PS3 via ethernet and also sirectly to the modem and I'll poste the results here.

Thanks for your answer.

Hello Nicola,

If you are getting full bandwith on your PC's then could just be either something with the PS3 or maybe sony has recommended settings for the PS3. There could be some settings to change in the advance wireless section as well but I am curious on how your speeds were with a hardwire connection.


Clayton Sill