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WAP4410N stops responding very often

Level 1
Level 1

Hi, we have 9 WAP4410N with PoE in our network. They were purchased on August. We found that very often in a week, they stop responding to any clients so they cannot get IP addresses, but we can ping the devices and enter the administration page. The only solution is to reboot the AP. I found some references to the same problem in the Cisco Forums and even some bad recommendations in about these APs, but now is too late and we need to found a solution.

We upgraded to firmware but problem remains. We are completly sure that IP and DNS configurations are fine and that our switches and DHCP servers work fine, too. We have in the same LAN, APs 3COm from the 9150 series with no problems. These 3Com APs use the same network services that the 4410.

Currently we are testing the Force LAN to 100 Mbps option and using mixed encryption algorithms (AES and TKIP) because at the begining, we were only using AES. But, I feel that it is not a smart procedure because it is not based on any real fact; it is, may be a desperate choice.

In order to administer those APs, we normally connect at the night so we don´t affect anyone on the network. However, when I check the administration page, I can see that the utilization rate in all the APs is always more that 40%, and I am sure, nobody is using the AP at the night. Wierd. In a normal day, no more than 20 clients are connected to each AP.

Logs have no valuable information to use in order to find a solution.

So, any ideas or help would be much appreciated.

Xavier Villafuerte

246 Replies 246

We are having the same issues with Cisco WAP4410n's. We have two of them at our own site. They are both fairly new, and have updated to firmware This did not fix the problem with the connections dropping from minutes to hours. (At least, every day... requiring a reboot.)

Unfortunately, I put my trust in the WAP4400, and Cisco quietly discontinued it, as it was a piece of junk. I got screwed over there, as I was stuck with it. Then I put my trust in Cisco again with the WAP4410, because I thought they had fixed the problems, and I figured mostly they made good stuff and deserved another chance. I am worried, because I have lately recommend and deployed these WAP4410n's at client sites. (Although those ones fortunately have not showed signs of having problems. But the ones at our site are acting like garbage.) Because of that, I am not confident to recommend them anymore.

These comments about other models that just work are very useful. I wish Cisco would just be straight about whether these devices work or not. And I trust end user/consultant/IT staff experiences more than Cisco marketing. But if end users are saying there are good Cisco models, like Aironet 1140, then I'm willing to listen. Does anyone have any experience with the Cisco AP541n?

Make sure your settings are close to what Peter Spencer outlined a few pages back. That seemed to solve the issue for me.

Alas, the settings mentioned above solved the issues for a while; then other issues arose. So now I have RMA'd the 4410N APs x 3.

I have purchased 3 x Cisco AP1142N. These are the real deal - proper Cisco kit. They have worked flawlessly from day one - and I should have gone with them from the start.

I am not sure if the Cisco AP541N is rebadged Linksys again - if they are, I would not touch them.

To be honest, I do have quite a few users crammed together, and so I think that the 4410N were just not up to it. But then I know folks who have them in an office with 3 users, and they still don't work.

I guess I'm just lucky since mine is still working. There really isn't much of a load on it so perhaps that's it. Thanks for the alternate - I'll keep that in mind in case this one goes South again.

Well... that didn't last long.

After adding the second SSID (no users even knew about it, so it had no connections).

SSID1 with WEP, stopped broadcasting. Still appeared to have one client connected (instead of about 15-20)

Rebooted, and SSID1 came back. Wonder how long for?

After making the changes Peter recommended mine has been fairly stable with only one dropout in the last week. That could have easily been caused by something else. Fingers are still crossed but at least it is much better than it was.

Level 1
Level 1

I have had three of the WAP4410N units running the latest firmware, since it was released as a closed beta. They have been the most unreliable pieces of hardware I have ever bought.

I am SO embarressed to have waisted the companys money in that way.

After 3-4 months I have now bought a E-MSM460 Access Point from another manufaturer. This one access point has replaced all of the WAP4410N's. I have never experienced such a pleasure from wireless networking.

After 3-4 months with unreliable, slow, and useless wifi, I cannot start to descripe what a relief it is to have wifi that just works... Always!

I hate that I waited so long to do this. But I guess that i expected to see these Cisco units fixed in reasonable time.

I was wrong.

I can now happily inform that the units have been destroyed on the local recycling station. And I will now enjoy the pleasure of not following this thread every week.

I hope that the rest of you find some kind of solution to you problems. If not through Cisco, then som other way.


Hi All,

I have replaced by WAP4410N with an alternate vendor product this week, all of the issues are now gone and the WAP4410N will remain in its box until a proper fixed code is released, if not then it'll end up in the bin and i'll just take it as a poor choice in product as far as I'm concerned.

Whilst I am still happy with the Cisco IOS driven devices I have lost faith in the Small Business product support as time between releases (fixes or not) seems to be woefully inadequate and whilst the staff monitoring this forum have done their upmost to keep us in the loop I feel the software development team behind them has truely let us down with this product.

Kind Regards,


Level 1
Level 1

I too have this same issue with the WAP4410N. Four of them in fact.

I've seen a lot of people say they have to power cycle the device to get it working again.

For those of you who aren't using PoE (i.e. power is separate from data), what happens if you just plug/unplug the ethernet cable? For me, this cures the problem. Does this cure the problem for you, or is a power cycle really necessary?

I am wondering if the fact that the device is PoE is muddying the issue of whether the cure is a power cycle or a ethernet connection cycle. I think some answers to this could narrow the problem area.

Best regards


I think you could be onto something - as setting the ethernet negotian off AUTO and fixing it to 100Mbps solved issues for many.

But there are multiple problems with these devices, and many of us have wasted days/weeks trying to sort them out. I RMA'd mine in the end.

Good luck!

Does anyone know if the latest firmware really fixed the problem?

or Can I have the release notes somewhere?

After three month of struggling,  I am here again at customers' site apologizing to the customer,and pinging through WAP4410N again...

It's been fine for about two hours, so I can post this message through the WAP441.....

request timed out :-)

I would give up now - you are wasting your time. I never got mine to work - see my above post.  I would ask for your money back like I did - I RMA'd them after 3 months.

We've had ours for a while now - 4 in fact. We no longer have the packing boxes etc. What is the best way to RMA them direct to Cisco?

Can we do it direct? Is there a recommended person to email or phone to set the wheels in motion?

Best regards


I would contact Cisco - one of the team that post on these forums - and get them to email you and/or your retailer saying that they are NG and requesting the retailer to do an RMA. Cisco should then agree to refund the retailer.

If you are in the UK, the goods should be "fit for purpose". If they are not, then boxes or no boxes, your retailer should refund your money. Their T&Cs etc., are superceeded by the law.  If they refuse, issue a 7 day warning letter of county court action. If still NG, go to moneyclaimonline and issue a county court summons. Than normally does it!

Can someone from Cisco PM me please, so I can get my 4 RMAs under way please?

If the process goes well, then Cisco will stay in my good books and I'll probably pay the money and upgrade to some Aironet 1141s. If not, then I'll be going for HP devices instead from now on.

Best regards
