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WAP4410N stops responding very often

Level 1
Level 1

Hi, we have 9 WAP4410N with PoE in our network. They were purchased on August. We found that very often in a week, they stop responding to any clients so they cannot get IP addresses, but we can ping the devices and enter the administration page. The only solution is to reboot the AP. I found some references to the same problem in the Cisco Forums and even some bad recommendations in about these APs, but now is too late and we need to found a solution.

We upgraded to firmware but problem remains. We are completly sure that IP and DNS configurations are fine and that our switches and DHCP servers work fine, too. We have in the same LAN, APs 3COm from the 9150 series with no problems. These 3Com APs use the same network services that the 4410.

Currently we are testing the Force LAN to 100 Mbps option and using mixed encryption algorithms (AES and TKIP) because at the begining, we were only using AES. But, I feel that it is not a smart procedure because it is not based on any real fact; it is, may be a desperate choice.

In order to administer those APs, we normally connect at the night so we don´t affect anyone on the network. However, when I check the administration page, I can see that the utilization rate in all the APs is always more that 40%, and I am sure, nobody is using the AP at the night. Wierd. In a normal day, no more than 20 clients are connected to each AP.

Logs have no valuable information to use in order to find a solution.

So, any ideas or help would be much appreciated.

Xavier Villafuerte

246 Replies 246

I've been able to achieve an uptime of 33 days on one of my units, a record for me. But alas, all connections were dropped again today.

Level 1
Level 1

Our organization has 3 brand-new WAP4410N-A V02 units, all PoE.  Uptime varies before users can no longer connect to the wireless signal.  IP address (and admin interface) work wonderfully when this happens and a reboot fixes the issue temporarily.  We are having to reboot regularly between 1 and 3 times per week, if not more.  Even when users can no longer connect to the network(s), the wireless signal is still broadcasting.  We are using channels 1, 6, and 11. 

Software Version:     

Please provide a fix as I see this issue has been ongoing (unresolved) for nearly two years.  Our "solution" is to ask our users to hard-wire their comptuers with ethernet cable--that kind of defeat the point of wireless mobility!

Please call into our support center and open a ticket.

Cisco Small Business Support contacts:


Eric Moyers

Cisco Network Advanced Support Engineer

SBSC Wireless and Surveillance SME

CCNA, CCNA-Wireless


Level 1
Level 1

I am using the WAP4410N with firmware  Clients are disconnected randomly.  I am using Wireless Connection Control - Local.  If I just Apply on this page, the AP starts working again.  No reboot necessary.  I set up a ping to a client and, when it doesn't respond, I use an expect script to log in and reboot the AP.  I'm going to try and get a refund.

Hello Mr. Nicholson,

There is a previous forum that contains information useful about this issue.

Let me share with you the link:

I hope this information helps you.

Best regards.

Juan Diego Rodriguez

Cisco network engineer

Hi everybody,

I am facing the same problem with an cisco WAP4410N. Today I upgraded to the last firmware. Some one form Cisco support called me and gave me the link from firmware Hope this resolve the issue. I will tell you if it's good.

The link is:

Best Regards.

Sabin Ungureanu

I Still having the same problem as everyone else.

I decided to buy 2 of this because cisco is suppose to be a reliable brand however after 10 to 15 days it just stop working and i have to power off and on again and does not come back at the first try, i have to power off and on many times.

I don't know why cisco dont fix it or sttop selling it.

Since updating the f/w to on 11/13, I haven't had any dropped connections.  Keeping my fingers crossed.


Is it  the latest firmware?

Someone sent me the link to the f/w and I installed it on 3/25/2012.  It did not fix the problem.

I think is the latest. It says so at the link above posted by Sabin. The release date for is 5/17/2012.

I should have checked the d/l site.

It's been almost 2 weeks now without a dropped connection.


Level 1
Level 1

Can the people who have tried firmware also check to see if you are able to achieve the 300Mbps data rate?

I posted this issue originally here:

I was able to achieve 300Mbps with a previous version of the WAP4410N firmware, but of course, there were the problems with dropped connections.

With firmware, I cannot achieve the 300Mbps data rate.

The hardware configuration I am using is known to be working at 300Mbps with a different manufacturer's access point.

Here is a good guide for hardware settings:

Basically, you need to make sure that you are using the 40MHz bandwidth setting and N-only wireless network mode.

Level 1
Level 1

I had all the issue described here.  It wasn't until I changed all the device names to make sure each one is unique, that fixed the problem for us.  I haven't had to reset anything in three weeks now.

We have three:

Software Version:

We have the same problem, from settmebre 2012 when installed 4 WAP4410N - 2 AP 2 WDS

We also have other 3 WAP4410N new, tested, same problem.

Cisco has asked a lot of tests, without solving the problem.

My client threatens action against my company and not available to do other tests.

My requested support open from 04/March/13

A Technical cisco first level says to solve problem of replacing WAP4410N with WAP121, but why ask me to do other tests that I can not do!

Incredible cisco does not admit that this product is defective!

Level 1
Level 1

I can honestly say that the WAP4410n is the most frustrating piece of technology I've ever tried to use. Who in the world let this thing out of testing and development? It's not even close to ready for use and someone should get canned for this garbage.

We have 7 of them in our school, and after literally WEEKS of total time spent trying to get these things to work and JUST STAY FREAKING ONLINE AND ACCESSIBLE, I'm ready to get a total refund from Cisco. There is absolutely no way to get these things to stay online, carry a stable wifi signal, and just plain work.

We've tried every suggestion found on these forums, by others who have had the SAME problems with this device, and rebuilt our network in every way possible to get these damn little boxes to STAY ONLINE. Why the hell do I need to reboot my APs several times a day EACH just to allow a wifi signal to be accessible in our classrooms?

Firmware updates don't do jack, changing the settings don't do jack, limiting the speed and capabilities of these boxes don't do jack, NOTHING WORKS.

If CISCO is paying attention to this forum I better get a contact pronto. We believed you when you said this product would work. It has done nothing but fail, and countless hours have been spent trying to make them work to no avail.

Get your act together CISCO! You built a piece of crap and sold it as if it were a key to unlock a secret room. Baloney.

The worst part is that the so-called firmware updates might fix one problem, but they always create a whole new set of problems.

Case in point, the latest firmware,, seems to fix the dropped connection problem for 20MHz channel bandwidth. But if you force 40MHz channel bandwidth (for 300Mbps speeds), the connections get throttled down to 1Mbps after a few minutes of operation.

This thread is 2.5 years old. This is ridiculous!