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WRV210 issues.

Level 1
Level 1

Hi guys.

About a week or so ago i bought a Cisco WRV210 and since then i've come accross a number of issues which resulted in spending about 2 hours trying to get it going again.

My first issue is this, whenever anyone in the house tries to use anything Bittorrent related periodically the router will reboot itself. It looks like the router cant cope with something one of the PCs on the network is recieving and reboots terminating the outside connection.

Secondly after one of the periodic reboots mentioned above the webinterface refused to load correctly and resembled a corrupt webpage. ie nothing would line up correctly, font changes and to see anything in the middle of the web browser you would have to scroll down to the bottom of the page. Also I wasn''t able to change any setting from the web interface or access things like the reboot function, i would press the button click save and nothing would happen. The only way i could get around this was to reflash the firmware which was accessable in the web interface and seemed to work and reset the router to default once this had done as full usability was restored. One thing i did notice though after completing this was that the mac address had changed from what it was previously (identical to the sticker under the unit) to 00 00 00 00 00 05.

The firmware version of the router is the hardware version is WRV210-A V01

I will admit I have thought about trying to setup a log from the router, but i have no idea how to do this so in this respect any help would be appreciated.

Many Thanks for your time.

update : I have since found how to view the router's logs, after watching for 30 mins I haven't identified anything what i would consider out of the ordinary.

1 Reply 1

Eric Moyers
Level 7
Level 7

Hi, My name is Eric Moyers. I am a Network Support Engineer in the Cisco Small Business Support Center. Thank you for using the Cisco Community Post Forums.

I am sorry that you are having issues.Since there are multiple issue that need to be troubleshot, I would suggest calling into the Small Business Support Center and letting one of the answering agents work with you. It would make troubleshooting easier and would also be quicker considering the number of issues that you are experiencing.

Please call 1-866-606-1866, we are open 24 hrs a day

Eric Moyers
Cisco Network Support Engineer
CCNA, CCNA-Wireless