We are using a Cisco 4402 Controller, and testing methods of web authentication. We are also testing a Meru controller - so our tests are geared towards the pros / cons of each.
With Meru, we are able to point the web authentiction page to a RADIUS server, and then have the RADIUS server run various types of scripts. One takes any username and password and enters them to a file, then returns a "0" to RADIUS which authenticates the user. Another script authenticates anyone with a certain e-mail suffix, and one shared password. And a 3rd one uses a CGI script to authenticate the username/passwords to our e-mail server.
All of this works great....
But not on the Cisco.
The Cisco controller can only accept a local username/password pair that's on the RADIUS server. Whenever we try a script (any one of them), the login fails completely.
Any thoughts?
Thank you!