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9800-40 self reset to factory defaults, so mad right now. Bug?

Eric Hansen
Level 1
Level 1

Hi, i'm curious if anyone has had this happen to them.




I've been building a new 9800-40 over the last month or so, and I have had all sorts of strange small issues.  For example, when I first booted them they booted into rommon.  Which is fine, I followed the process, put in USB and booted to image but after booting the USB stopped working without even taking the drive out.  Weird.  So finally got everything built, got on suggested code, got the whole thing built.  Was going to talk to management today about migration timeline.

I rebooted the 9800-40 stack, which I have done many times before, and BLAM both units lost their entire config and booted with day 1 config.  Would I like to terminate auto install?  No.... I'd like to throw it out the window and buy Aruba.

Anyone else seen this?




6 Replies 6

Scott Fella
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Make sure your register is set to 2002.
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Its set to 0x102, which is ignore break and 9600 baud. Ive booted this thing several times without issue, then the last time I booted it.... it wiped all config.

Open a TAC case. I have messed around with the 9800’s and only ran into issues when the register was set wrong or the country code wasn’t set via the cli.
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Did you say they are in HA?


Sounds like it could be this Bug

CSCvr68729 - 9800 HA Failed to initialize nvram after multiple power cycle



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Level 4
Level 4

Were you able to resolve the issue? I am having the same problem

You should open a TAC case also. I’m assuming you have the same model and firmware.
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