Eric Hansen
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Member since ‎03-11-2009

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I'm curious if Cisco CLI Analyzer development has been shutdown by Cisco.  We haven't seen an update since June 7th 2019. -eric
Hi, i'm curious if anyone has had this happen to them. 9800-4016.12.1sI've been building a new 9800-40 over the last month or so, and I have had all sorts of strange small issues.  For example, when I first booted them they booted into rommon.  Which...
Got a pair of brand new 9800-40's running 16.12.01s.  At the time I set them up I didn't have the LAG ports cabled, just the g0 management.  So *i thinnk* when the zero day script ran the ap management trustpoint didn't get created right.I now have t...
ISE2.3 Patch 5, Cisco 3650 16.3.7, Avaya 1608   So I have this 3650 and I run a heavy port config without any templates.  I don't run 'switchport access vlan XXX' or 'switchport voice vlan YYY', I assign those values via ISE authorization profile.  I...
So my scenario is this, I am setting up wired ISE using 802.1x with certificates.  My certs are issues from the internal company CA(windows) and were specifically issued for this purpose.  Subject format is Common Name, including email, and SAN inclu...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎03-11-2009 07:57 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-21-2022 12:05 AM
Posts 152
Total Helpful Votes Received 40