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About Cisco ap adder license activation (Urgent)

Ibrahim Bhuiyan
Level 1
Level 1

I purchased cisco 2504 controller with 5 ap licenses. but I have 6 APs. That's why I also purchased 1 ap adder license. As far as I know this adder license is built-in in 2504 controller. but I can not use it. when I connect to ap's then 5 ap is being run and 1 ap is remaining disconnected to controller. So what can i do know. Will it be activated in controller. Please let me know. its very urgent.

4 Replies 4

Scott Fella
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

When you purchase an addr license you should of gotten a pak file. You need to register that and then upload the license to the controller and reboot for the license to take place. 


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Thanks for your answer. But I did not get any pak. Provider said me it is builtin (pre installed) and need to activate. so is it right? do i need to activate? if is then how can i do it?

Note: I ordered  this adder license with 2504 controller. so this adder license is pre installed by cisco? I need to clarify please.

That is wrong. On the 2504 and 5508, you need a pak file and you need to install the license. The ones built-in these models are evaluation, which will expire. 

On other controllers, the license is RTU, right to use, in which you can just add, but not for your unit.  So they must of provided you with the wrong addr part number.


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Scott Fella
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Moved your post to the correct forum.


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