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Level 1
Level 1

Hi community,

sorry my english is not so well but I would like to try getting some support from this big community.

I want to install a CISCO AIR-AP1042N-E-K9 at my home.

During unpacking I determined that there is no power supply with it. So I decided to use a POE Injector like PowerDsine PD-3001G/AC.

According to the "getting started Guide" at this should work.

My AP (AIR-AP1042N-E-K9) is specified as a standalone device, but I am really afraid that I need a seperate wireless LAN Controller because the

"getting started Guide" includes in chapter 5 "connect the access point to a wireless LAN controller".

So my question: Do I really need some kind of seperate Controller? THe  will be to expensive for my budget so I planned to connect my AP to the Switch (with POE Injector Midspan) and thats it.

I would be happy for every help.



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Surendra BG
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Chris,

U do not need the Controller!! Since the model that u have is a autonomous one!! just get the GUI accessto the device and this will help you!!

Please dont forget to rate the usefull posts!!



Surendra BG

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7 Replies 7

Surendra BG
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Chris,

U do not need the Controller!! Since the model that u have is a autonomous one!! just get the GUI accessto the device and this will help you!!

Please dont forget to rate the usefull posts!!



Surendra BG

Dear Surendra,

what's a relief, thank you so much.

Is the GUI accessable directly through the AP or do I need some different Software to configurate the AP?

Thanks in advance and have a nice day


can be accessed directly..

connect a ethernet cable of the AP to the switchport and then try to access the IP that it got from the DHCP.. it will ask for the username and PW.. it will be Cisco/Cisco

Please dont forge tto rate the usefull posts!!



Surendra BG

Today my Injector arrived and the access to the GUI worked fine. But the config seems to be very compex :-(

I only want to set a SSID, use WPAv2 and get connection. But atm I am not sure how to start. I will play a litte with the configs and search the forum in the right category.

Hi Chris

PLease refer to this link with GUI screen shots for WPA2 configuration:

Let me know if you have any questions


Thank you very much. Now everythink is working fine. I will spend some time to learn all the other powerful looking configs within the GUI.

I only have one more question about the WPA. Whats the differenz between the personal and enterprise mode? Is one of these more secure?

I only see the difference, that in personal mode there is only a phasphrase to get access and in enterprise mode there is a username and password needed.

Thank you

kind regards


Hi Chris,

You are correct.

WPA/PSK is a preshare key that is used to encrypt traffic between the ap and the client.

WPA/ENTERPRISE uses a radius server to authenticate and then encrype users with a EAP / 802.1X.

Make sense?

I did a series of blog post on EAP that may help.

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