05-08-2024 11:10 AM
Hi everyone,
We are excited to announce Cisco Wireless IOS-XE 17.15.1 Software Beta Program.
This project enables following features
Please signup for the Beta Program using this link: http://cs.co/IOSXE17151
(You can create a Stomio account if you do not have one)
The Beta is tentatively scheduled to begin around May 15 2024. You will receive an email announcement when the Beta officially launches after you signup.
As a Beta tester, we will ask you to complete several tasks and provide your valuable feedback on your experience with IOS-XE 17.15.1 Cisco Wireless Software.
You can provide feedback at the end of each task and open a ticket to raise a bug, present an idea or any other feedback. Your feedback will be reviewed by our team and most of the correspondence will happen through Stomio tool (https://stomio.io)
Cisco appreciates the time and effort you invest in evaluating this product.
Cisco Wireless Beta Team
09-19-2024 09:01 AM
Is there a 17.15.2 beta available? We were informed by Jim Florwick that non-SDA features are included in that release and we need to test those in our lab. Please advise.
09-19-2024 09:31 AM
- No , note that 17.15.x is now an official release train ; the question then becomes : when will 17.15.2 be released (as the beta is only for customer to test features from 17.15.x before it becomes official)
09-23-2024 10:05 PM
We are qualifying Beta release for 17.15.2.
Hoping to release it in shortly. Once it is available, will update through community post.
09-19-2024 10:31 AM
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