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AP For concurrent 70 users

saroj pradhan
Level 1
Level 1


can  any one  please  help  me  i want  a AP  which  can  support  concurrent  70 users or more  .

Also  support MAC Address filter  can add atleast  100 MAC on the AP.



11 Replies 11

Leo Laohoo
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
can  any one  please  help  me  i want  a AP  which  can  support  concurrent  70 users or more  .

In theory?  ALL WAPs can THEORETICALLY support 2048 clients.

PRACTICALLY?  Depending on your traffic.  If your wifi traffic is, say surfing the internet, emails, FB, chat, then 35 clients to a WAP is a good number.

If you are pushing time-critical application, like video, then the number drops down to 8. 

my users  perform  RDP ,Skype and  other  works  link LAN CABLE Connection.

please advice some  AP Series  i can use.

Scott Fella
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Just to add to Leo's post

Q. Is there a limitation on the number of MAC address filters that can be configured on the AP?

A. You can use the CLI in order to configure up to 2,048 MAC addresses for filtering, but, with the use of the web-browser interface, you can configure only up to 43 MAC addresses for filtering.

Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

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i have  a cisco AP 4410N Series  in my network which  support 20 MAC add through web interface.

can i add more users through CLI ? If yes  plesae advice me the steps to do .

I don't know about that model ap On the enterprise APs like the 1142, 1252, 1262 you can from the CLI.

Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

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plaese find the cli  access and  the options  in my ap 4410n.

get beaconinterval                 -- Display Beacon Interval,(Range:20 ~ 1000)

get channel                        -- Display Radio Channel

get country                        -- Display Country/Domain

get ethdatarate                    -- Display Ethernet Data Rate

get ethAutoNegotiation             -- Display Ethernet Negotiation Mode

get ethDuplexMode                  -- Display Ethernet Duplex Mode

get ctsprotect                     -- Display CTS Protect Mode

get defaultkey                     -- Display Default Key Index

get devicename                     -- Display Access Point Dvice Name

get dhcp                           -- Display DHCP Mode

get dns2server                     -- Display IP Address of Secondary DNS Server

get dnsserver                      -- Display IP Address of DNS Server

get dot1xdynkeylife                -- Display 802.1x Dynamic Key Life Time (in Seconds)

get dtiminterval                   -- Display DTIM interval,(Range:1 ~ 255)

get emailaddress                   -- Display Email Address for Log

get emailalert                     -- Display Email Alert Mode

get emailinterval                  -- Display Email Time Threshold

get emailqueue                     -- Display Email Queue Length

get emailserver                    -- Display Email Alert Server

get encryption                     -- WPA encryption Algorithm(TKIP/AES)

get fragthreshold                  -- Display Fragment Threshold,(Default: 2346, Range: 256 ~ 2346)

get fwversion                      -- Display Firmware Version

get gateway                        -- Display Gateway IP Address

get hostname                       -- Display Access Point Host Name

get bonjour                        -- Display Bonjour Mode

get wps                            -- Display Wps Mode

get forcelan100m                   -- Display Force LAN Port Speed to 100M

get httpredirect                   -- Display HTTP Redirect Mode

get httpredirectURL                -- Display HTTP Redirect URL

get https                          -- Display HTTPS Mode

get pidvid                         -- Display PID VID

get ipaddr                         -- Display IP Address

get ipmask                         -- Display IP Subnet Mask

get ipv6                           -- Display IPv6 Mode

get ipv6addr                       -- Display IPv6 Local Address

get ipv6dns1                       -- Display IPv6 Primary DNS Server

get ipv6dns2                       -- Display IPv6 Secondary DNS Server

get ipv6gateway                    -- Display IPv6 Default Gateway

get isolationbetweenssid           -- Display Isolate All Virtual APs State

get isolationwithinssid            -- Display Isolation within VAP

get key                            -- Display WEP Key Value

get keylength                      -- Display WEP Key Length

get keyrenew                       -- Display Group Key Update Interval (in Seconds)

get lltd                           -- Display LLTD Mode

get loadbalance                    -- Display Load Balance Mode

get loadbalancessid                -- Display Load Balance SSID

get logconfchange                  -- Display Log Configuration Changes Mode

get logfail                        -- Display Log Authorized Login Mode

get logsuccess                     -- Display Log Unauthorized Login Attempt Mode

get logsyserror                    -- Display Log System Error Messages Mode

get mcastenhance                   -- Display Multicast Packets Enhancement Mode

get md5supplicant                  -- Display 802.1x MD5 Supplicant Mode

get md5suppname                    -- Display 802.1x Supplicant MD5 Name

get md5supppassword                -- Display 802.1x Supplicant MD5 Password

get md5supptype                    -- Display 802.1x MD5 Supplicant Type

get nativevlanid                   -- Display Native VLAN ID

get ntp                            -- Display NTP Mode

get ntpserver                      -- Display NTP Server IP Address

get operationmode                  -- Display Operation Mode

get password                       -- Display Login Password

get priority                       -- Display Priority

get psk                            -- Display Pre-shared Key

get radiusserver                   -- Display RADIUS Server IP Address

get radiusport                     -- Display RADIUS Port Number

get radiussecret                   -- Display RADIUS Shared Secret

get bridgemac                      -- Display WDS Bridge's Remote MAC Address List

get repeatermac                    -- Display WDS Repeater's Remote MAC Address

get remotessid                     -- Display UC/UR's Remote SSID

get remoteucr                      -- Display UC/UR's Remote MAC Address

get roguelegal                     -- Display Legal AP List of Legal AP

get roguetype                      -- Display Rogue AP Definition

get rtsthreshold                   -- Display RTS Threshold,(Default: 2347, Range: 1 ~ 2347)

get security                       -- Display Wireless Security Mode

get snmpcontact                    -- Display SNMP Contact

get snmpdevice                     -- Display SNMP Devic Name

get snmplocation                   -- Display SNMP Location

get snmpreadcommunity              -- Display SNMP Read Community

get snmptrapcommunity              -- Display SNMP Trap Community

get snmpwritecommunity             -- Display SNMP Write Community

get snmpmode                       -- Display SNMP Mode

get ssh                            -- Display SSH Mode

get ssid                           -- Display Service Set ID

get ssidbroadcast                  -- Display SSID Broadcast Mode

get syslog                         -- Display Syslog Mode

get syslogserver                   -- Display Unicast Syslog Server Address

get time                           -- Display Current System Time

get timemode                       -- Display Time Mode

get timezone                       -- Display Time Zone Setting

get daylight                       -- Display Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes

get uptime                         -- Display Access Point Up Time

get username                       -- Display Login User Name

get vlan                           -- Display VLAN Operational State

get vlandefault                    -- Display AP Default VLAN

get vlanid                         -- Display the VLAN ID

get vlanmanagement                 -- Display AP Management VLAN

get vlantag                        -- Display Vlan Tag Mode

get vlantagoverwds                 -- Display Vlan Tag Over WDS Mode

get wlanaccess                     -- Display Wireless Web Access Mode

get wirelessmode                   -- Display Wireless LAN Mode

get wmm                            -- Display WMM Mode

get wmmps                          -- Display WMM PowerSaving Mode

set 11nguardinterval               -- Set 11n Guard Interval Mode

set 11nchanbandwidth               -- Set 11n Channel Bandwidth

set 802_11d                        -- Set 802.11d Mode

set acl                            -- Set Access Control

set active                         -- Set Active (up) Mode

set authentication                 -- Set Authentication Type of WEP

set beaconinterval                 -- Set Beacon Interval

set bridgemac                      -- Set Bridge's Remote MAC Address List

set channel                        -- Set Radio Channel

set country                        -- Set Country/Domain

set ethdatarate                    -- Set Ethernet Data Rate

set ethAutoNegotiation             -- Set Ethernet Auto Negotiation Mode

set ethDuplexMode                  -- Set Ethernet Duplex Mode

set ctsprotect                     -- Set CTS Protect Mode

set daylight                       -- Set Automatically adjust clock for daylight saving changes

set defaultkey                     -- Set Default Key Index

set devicename                     -- Set Access Point Dvice Name

set dhcp                           -- Set DHCP Mode

set dns2server                     -- Set IP Address of Secondary DNS Server

set dnsserver                      -- Set DNS Server IP Address

set dot1xdynkeylife                -- Set 802.1x Dynamic Key Life Time (in Seconds)

set dtiminterval                   -- Set DTIM interval,(Range:1 ~ 255)

set emailaddress                   -- Set Email Address for Log

set emailalert                     -- Set Email Alert Mode

set emailinterval                  -- Set Email Time Threshold

set emailqueue                     -- Set Email Queue Length

set emailserver                    -- Set Email Alert Server

set encryption                     -- Set WPA encryption Algorithm(TKIP/AES)

set fragthreshold                  -- Set Fragment Threshold

set gateway                        -- Set Gateway IP Address

set hostname                       -- Set Access Point Host Name

set bonjour                        -- Set Bonjour Mode

set wps                            -- Set WPS Mode

set forcelan100m                   -- Set Force LAN Port Speed to 100M

set httpredirect                   -- Set HTTP Redirect Mode

set httpredirectURL                -- Set HTTP Redirect URL

set https                          -- Set HTTPS Enable/Disable

set ipaddr                         -- Set IP Address

set ipmask                         -- Set IP Subnet Mask

set ipv6                           -- Set IPv6 Mode

set ipv6addr                       -- Set IPv6 Local Address

set ipv6dns1                       -- Set IPv6 Primary DNS Server

set ipv6dns2                       -- Set IPv6 Secondary DNS Server

set ipv6gateway                    -- Set IPv6 Default Gateway

set isolationbetweenssid           -- Set Isolate All Virtual APs State

set isolationwithinssid            -- Set Isolation within VAP

set key                            -- Set WEP Key Value

set keylength                      -- Set WEP Key Length

set keyrenew                       -- Set Group Key Update Interval (in Seconds)

set lltd                           -- Set LLTD Mode

set loadbalance                    -- Set Load Balance Mode

set loadbalancessid                -- Set Load Balance SSID

set logconfchange                  -- Set Log Configuration Changes Mode

set logfail                        -- Set Log Authorized Login Mode

set logsuccess                     -- Set Log Unauthorized Login Attempt Mode

set logsyserror                    -- Set Log System Error Messages Mode

set mcastenhance                   -- Set Multicast Packets Enhancement Enable/Disable

set md5supplicant                  -- Set 802.1x MD5 Supplicant Mode

set md5suppname                    -- Set 802.1x Supplicant MD5 Name

set md5supppassword                -- Set 802.1x Supplicant MD5 Password

set md5supptype                    -- Set 802.1x MD5 Supplicant Type

set nativevlanid                   -- Set Native VLAN ID

set ntp                            -- Set NTP Mode

set ntpserver                      -- Set NTP Server IP Address

set operationmode                  -- Set operation Mode

set password                       -- Modify Login Password

set priority                       -- Set Priority

set psk                            -- Modify Pre-shared Key

set radiusserver                   -- Set RADIUS IP Address

set radiusport                     -- Set RADIUS Port Number

set radiussecret                   -- Set RADIUS Shared Secret

set remotessid                     -- Set UC/UR's Remote SSID

set remoteucr                      -- Set UC/UR's Remote MAC Address

set repeatermac                    -- Set Repeater's MAC Address

set roguelegal                     -- Add/Delete Legal AP MAC/OUI

set roguetype                      -- Set Rogue AP Definition

set rtsthreshold                   -- Set RTS/CTS Threshold

set security                       -- Set Wireless Security Mode

set shortpreamble                  -- Set Short Preamble

set snmpcontact                    -- Set SNMP Contact

set snmpdevice                     -- Set SNMP Devic Name

set snmplocation                   -- Set SNMP Location

set snmpreadcommunity              -- Set SNMP Read Community

set snmptrapcommunity              -- Set SNMP Trap Community

set snmpwritecommunity             -- Set SNMP Write Community

set snmpmode                       -- Set SNMP Mode

set ssh                            -- Set SSH Mode

set ssid                           -- Set Service Set ID

set ssidbroadcast                  -- Set SSID Broadcast Mode

set syslog                         -- Set Syslog Mode

set syslogserver                   -- Set Unicast Syslog Server Address

set time                           -- Set Current System Time

set timemode                       -- Set Time Mode

set timezone                       -- Set Time Zone Setting

set username                       -- Modify Login User Name

set vlan                           -- Set VLAN Operational State

set vlandefault                    -- Set AP Native VLAN

set vlanid                         -- Set VAP VLAN id

set vlanmanagement                 -- Set AP Management VLAN

set vlantag                        -- Set Vlan Tag Mode

set vlantagoverwds                 -- Set Vlan Tag Over WDS Mode

set wlanaccess                     -- Set Wireless Web Access Mode

set wirelessmode                   -- Set Wireless LAN Mode

set wmm                            -- Set WMM Mode

set wmmps                          -- Set WMM PowerSaving Mode

tftp                               -- Software upgrade/download via TFTP

factoryrestore                     -- Restore to Default Factory Settings

apply                              -- To make the changes take effect

exit                               -- Quit the Remove Console

 have  a cisco AP 4410N Series  in my network which  support 20 MAC add through web interface.

Can you advice what kind of budget are we talking about here?  Scott and I are very familiar with the "enterprise" level of wireless access points while you could be looking for a SOHO-type WAP.

The budget  is max  $ 300 to $400.

The budget  is max  $ 300 to $400.

Ok, then I believe you're looking at a SOHO-class wireless access point like Linksys.  Scott, George, Steve and I are very familiar with the enterprise-grade WAPs.

I believe the Cisco 4410n that you are using is classed as SMB-grade WAP but I am also not familiar with this model.

can any one help me  How the cisco AP 541N works ?

  among the Cisco 500 and  cisco 600 series  which is better ?

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