We are trying to research the possibility of providing utility services through our electric meter with the help of Wifi!!!
Is it possible that utility serivces like Cable TV, internet and telephone over 802.11g WLAN?
Does 802.11g offer enough bandwidth to cater a household?
Have some tests been performed that can refute/support the idea of Video & Audio over Wi-Fi?
What were the results?
networkworld.com has found that with QoS enforcement enabled, Wi-fi switjced and APs deliver near-toll-quality audio provided only voice traffic is active.
When voice traffic had to contend for bandwidth even with a little data traffic, dropped calles were common.
Do phone companies like AT&T, SpectraLink etc. encounter such problems? Are the consumers happy?
What about Video (Cable TV) over WLAN? Has anyone tested it so far?
Has Cisco tested its products with video & audio transfers? How was the performance? What problems were encountered?