So, in terms of Clients you´re going to have one kind of clients, which is BYOD, but in terms of traffic you are going to have two kind of traffic( Internet and Corp) and you do not want to use more then one SSID?
With 2 SSID you could fix it simpler by creating a Corp SSID (Internet + Corporate) and a Guest SSID (Internet Only).
But, you can also create one SSID (Flexconnect mode) and split the tunnel on the VPN. Corp goes to Data Center and Internet only goes logacally.
I think it would be great if Internet access happend locally, I mean, you should not bring the traffic all the way to Data Center. But for that, you need to have some solution to apply policy on the traffic locally.
One solution that fits it very well is SDWAN with DIA feature. But it is possible with pure wifi as well.