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DHCP setup help on AIR-WLC-2112 with LAP1042N

Mark Bullard
Level 1
Level 1

I am new to wireless.  I would like to statically assign ip addresses for my controller(AIR_WLC-2112) and my access point (LAP1042N).  I would then like the controller to distribute dhcp addresses for users.  What is the best way in doing this? 

7 Replies 7

George Stefanick
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Hi Mark,

It is best to use a different DHCP server other then the WLC. Yes, you can static the WLC and the APs. When the ap connects to the wlc you can click on the ap and check box "static'

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"Satisfaction does not come from knowing the solution, it comes from knowing why." - Rosalind Franklin

Thanks.  I would like to set up the dhcp server on my layer 3 3750 switch that the devices would be connected too.  Anything special that I need to consider in doing this with the Controller?

For client dhcp that will work fine.

How are you APs joinng the controller, via DNS?

"Satisfaction does not come from knowing the solution, it comes from knowing why." - Rosalind Franklin

I would like to statically assign my controller and AP's and use the client to get dhcp through L3 switch. I would like to use the L3 switch to have 2 separate dhcp scopes for 2 separate SSID's.  One for employees and one for Guests?  I would assume that I would have to trunk the ports from the switch to the controller and AP's?

One last quesition...can this type of controller and AP's be used across a WAN...meaning controller in one location and the AP's in another?


Hi Mark,

You can certainly setup your network for 2 VLANs for different wireless networks. You will only need to setup the switchports to the WLC as trunks. In other words, the APs will simply reside in the vlan you define (access switchports) and they will tunnel all traffic back to the controller, regardless of client vlan. The WLC will then determine which vlan the traffic needs to go on.

You have 2 ways of setting your AP IP addresses as static -- you can statically assign them through the console during initial installation:

capwap ap ip address

capwap ap ip default-gateway

capwap ap controller ip

Or, you can simply let the APs start by using DHCP, and auto discovery of the WLCs via DNS lookup of "cisco-capwap-controller", or DHCP option 43. Once they join the controller you can assign them static addresses in the WLC AP settings.

Now, onto the last question regarding your WAN sites. We do have options for you there as well -- the feature we're looking at would be H-REAP. Traditionally the APs tunnel all wireless traffic back to the controller. However, in H-REAP mode, you can specify the APs to put traffic on the network right at the local switch, so it wouldn't have to get tunneled across your WAN (depending on WAN bandwidth). You still configure the AP and manage it centrally. For more information on this feature, please check out the H-REAP deployment guide:

-Patrick Croak

Wireless TAC

Thanks so much for the reply.  So trunk port to controller but access mode to AP.  2 dhcp scopes for the 2 different wireless SSID's.  You can limit your traffic off the WAN by keeping the wireless traffic local on the CAPWAP tunneling from controller to AP.

Hi Mark,

Yep -- you're on the right track now! If you have more specific questions down the road, please don't hesitate to post on the forums or open a TAC service request!


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