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IPad getting kicked off wireless network

Level 1
Level 1

i have a user that her IPad is constantly getting kicked off the wireless.  If it matters, her IPad is running OS5.

I'm getting the following from my AP controller:

the part in red is confusing me.

Nov 08 18:05:45.586 apf_policy.c:542 APF-1-DISCONECT_MOBILE_DUE_TO_WLAN_SWITCH: Disconnecting mobile 10:93:e9:41:fd:a5 due to switch of WLANs from 3(KWCHGUEST) to 4(KWCHSmart)

Nov 08 18:03:54.088 apf_80211.c:3942 APF-1-SEND_ASSOC_RESP_FAILED: Could not send a Client Association response to 10:93:e9:41:fd:a5.  Supected Auto-Immune attack Not sending Assoc Response.

- Traceback:  0840a77e 0840ca52 08097d1c 08098013 0833b7d1 40183040 40262cfa

Nov 08 18:03:54.088 apf_policy.c:542 APF-1-

has anyone come across this and what can i do about it?

Thanks, Gary

7 Replies 7

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hello Gary,

What version of code are you running on your WLC?

From the looks of it, the client is changing WLAN and then the association request is being rejected. You could test by enabling fast-ssid change, which allows you to switch between WLANs without delay (the WLC enforces a delay by default, this could be the cause).

config network fast-ssid-change enable

(in the GUI, Controller > General > Fast SSID change)


Thanks for getting back.

Well, the problem is that the other network that she's going to is our guest wlan and that network doesn't have any access to our local LAN.

Plus, she is the only one that's having this issue.


If the iPad is bouncing between the networks, than that is likely an issue with the iPad wireless supplicant behavior. The error message in red above is likely due to the device switching with fast-ssid change disabled.

So, if we are more concerned with why the device keeps moving between networks, we should capture a bit more data. Running a longer client debug should give us some additional data points.

I've seen similar behavior with Apple devices when they "Remember" wifi networks -- sometimes you need to "Forget" other networks in the area to stop the device from associating to it automatically.

Also, version of WLC code are you running?


i'm running

here's an interesting FYI...

the IPad is normally in a different location in our building and therefore associated with a different AP and that is where she's being kicked off.

BUT I brought it back to my office for testing, etc. and i've noticed that it hasn't dropped off all day.


i wonder if rebooting either the AP in her location or the controller would help this issue.


Are you using WLAN override to service different WLANs in different areas? Just wondering if the iPad "sees" different networks in that location vs your office.

It's difficult to tell whether a reboot on the AP or WLC would help here -- from the debug sample this appears to be client side.

There are newer versions of WLC code available with some bug fixes that could be considered as well ( is the latest 4.2 release, newer releases depending on your WLC/AP platforms).


Wireless TAC

Nicholas Darrow
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Also take a look at user idle timeout on the controller, increasing this feature from the default of 500 seconds will prevent the client from being deauthed/dissasociated while the client is dormant. Depending on the size of the network, you can set it to something like 1hour or more.

Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App

i did that, upped from 300 to 3000.  but i increased it up to 10000 to see if that helps.

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