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Is it really necessary to enable 'HA SKU' in secondary Cisco 3504 for HA N+1 when using RTU licensing?

Level 1
Level 1

It looks like there is no real need to enable "HA SKU secondary unit" on the backup controller, since I could just simply add the same amount of licenses to both WLCs since my APs will only be joined to 1 WLC at a time?


Am I correct? or am I misinterpreting the statement below?


From Cisco's RTU FAQ:

"Simply add the amount of licenses that you have purchased to all controllers. There will be no license violation as long as the number bought licenses is higher or equal to the total number of joined APs on all controllers in N+1 High Availability."


Thank you.

2 Replies 2

Scott Fella
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame
Simple answer is no, but keep in mind that when you purchase license, unless you purchase for both, you are cheating the system. If you purchase for only the primary controller, then enable the secondary unit on the other.
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Thanks for the reply. Cheating is exactly what we are trying to avoid 

But why would that be considered cheating, when the statement below from Cisco clearly states otherwise?

"There will be no license violation as long as the number bought licenses is higher or equal to the total number of joined APs on all controllers in N+1 High Availability."

If I have 150 APs and purchase 150 licenses for my Primray WLC and also enable 150 licenses on the Secondary WLC, in what scenario would I be violating the EULA ?

Am I misinterpreting the above statement?


Thanks again

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