Hey everyone! Based on this topic https://community.cisco.com/t5/wireless-and-mobility/zabbix-and-wlc-ap-monitoring/m-p/3756595#M105178 and this bugreport https://bst.cloudapps.cisco.com/bugsearch/bug/CSCvd39346 I have a question.
Will SNMP or any other monitoring methods be enabled for ME APs or planned to be enabled at least?
What annoys me, is that we have WLC monitoring setup, it works fine, but I cannot monitor free RAM on APs at all. No SNMP, no nothing.
We have WLC running on 8.8.111 SW which should have that memory leak bug fixed and it worked for about 30 days(after upgrade from 8.8.100), but for some reason, one of our APs ran into "RAM less than 100MB" issue and it wasn't so easy to figure that out. Why? Because all was looking great from WLC side and affected AP cannot authorize only new clients or clients with expired IP lease.
What can I do to register feature request or smth else to have memory monitored properly and not manually?
I'm not a fan of rebooting APs from time to time because "probably it will stop working properly soon", so I'm expecting some solution to avoid that.
Any ideas?