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Speet test with Cisco AP - Wireless

Level 1
Level 1


I am new to wireless topic. Our office has a speed of 500Mbps and it shows fine through LAN connection from 480-500, but when i do speed test using Wifi network it shows 20Mbps. I have seen the AP settings and wireless controller nothing seems there that speed rate is set. Can anyone guide. I think it should be in between 400-500Mbps?


Cisco AP:


WLC: 3500 series 

PC--->Cisco AP-->Switch-->Router-->Internet-->another brach office(router)-->switch-->WLC

1 Reply 1

Scott Fella
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

I think you need to understand what you should expect when connected to wireless.  Wireless is a shared media so all devices share a channel they are on, meaning only one device can send or receive at a given time.  Basically wireless is half duplex, where your switch is full duplex.  Also not that 2.4GHz is really not preferred because it only has 3-4 channels depending on the country.  Also it has a max of 20mhz unlike 5ghz where you can go 40 and up depending on your access point.

So from what I see on what you posted, set the 5GHz channel width to 40 and make sure your client connects to 5GHz and then test again.  Don't expect to get throughput that your WAN is capable of, you will get a more throughput on 5GHZ with 40mhz, more throughput the higher the channel width used.  40mhz is a good start especially in an enterprise environment.

Local throughput in the LAN would be higher, depending on the channel width.  max on the 2.4 is 20mhz.  Also, the more devices on the same ap/channel the overall throughput is reduced.

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